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Please help, confused!


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Hi, I consider myself to be a shy person, although I only seem to be when with somone im interested in. Anyway, Ive liked a girl in my year at school(Year 11 in the UK) for a while now.She seems like a kinda shy person aswell. Up until now I never really thought much of it. But now I seem to really like her. So I started off by telling a friend who used to know her well. She told me she wasn't going out with anyone.


Then I started to make friends with one of her friends, then she(her friend) overheard me and my friend talking about whether I should get her somthing for valentines day. She then told her about it(So she knew i liked her).Her friend then came up to me during a lesson and said i'd better get her somthing or she will be really disappointed. Then about 5 days later i gave her a valentines card. I basically waited till the end of the lesson I had with her and gave it to her when we were leaving, I didnt really speek to her, I just said happy valentines and gave her the card and then she left. In all that time I was too shy to speek to her. The next day after school she decided to use her IM for once(I had got her address off of my friend). The convo went like this.


I said: heyy

She said: hi

I said: you ok?

She said: yea u ?

I said: yep

I said: you like my card lol

She said: yea tnks

I said: gdgd

I said: sorry for being so quiet

She said: dont worry!

I said: i do actually like you

She said: but u dont really know me

I said: sooooo

I said: i have to have my music lesson

I said: be bak later

She said: c ya


Now she hasnt been on her IM for 4 days(she never uses it anyways). I am just starting a weeks holiday and wont see her at all apart from if she uses her IM.


Okey, my questions are:


Does she like me at all?

What should i do now?


Thanks for reading this looooooooooooong post

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It's hard to say,she just might have been a little freaked out about your being so straightforward,''I do actually like you''.Let her make the next move,whether it is in person or using IM.You were pretty clear about your feelings so there really isn't much else you can do.The ball is in her court.

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Yeah mate a bit of push-pull.

Back off a bit, give her space to think about it.


It's not a game exactly, but there is a way to play it. If you crowd her out, se'll get freaked out.


Take your holiday and forget about her for a week, then try IM again - btw - IM what is that? Instant messenger? My my I am getting a bit old for this stuff.


One alarm bell struck me - her saying "but you don't know me" - if she fancied you, I'm not sure that would be the response...... but I hope she does fancy you, I'm just saying - I've heard that line before and in my case it was I think that they were a bit uncomfortable that's why they said that.


I reckon she thinks you've got a bit familiar too fast. Back off, be there but be in the distance.

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Okee doke. She hasnt attempted to contact me after 4 days. Ill just continue moaning about it to my friend lol. What shall I do when I go back if she doesn't bother to contact. Should I assume she doesn't want anything to do with me. Its kind of weird though because her friend told me she'd be really dissappointed if I didn't give her somthing for valentines, and thats what really pushed me to give her somthing. I may have chickened out otherwise.

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