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I think you really need to sit her down and talk to her.


By doing this, she is playing with your mind, and I'm pretty sure that right now u dont know what to think!!


U have to talk to her and tell her your concerns, tell her what you want, tell her whats in your head.


There was obviously something not right with her to break up with you in the first place. Ask her what that was and try and work through it. Make sure u communicate a lot.


Good luck

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my g/f did the same thing, except we were together 7 years and engaged for 2, thought i had the world on top of me, its been 5 weeks now and i havnt come in contact but twise, first time was so angry about the situation i went to jail that night, second time was on yahoo messanger, yay big whip!! doesnt compare to hearing her voice or seeing her face, but be thankful man, sit down and talk to her, see why shes feeling like that, how old are you two? are YOU really in love with this girl and welling to take the beatin? cause thats what shes doing, playing with your mind, beatin you up inside. and if it hurts bad enough to a point where your comfused yourself, then you really need to take her out to dinner and talk to her, and tell her to speak the truth with gods light shining down watching her. listen and agree, but dont let her walk all over you partner theres enough hurt and heartache in this world. good luck!! let me know what happpens

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I agree........she's playing with your emotions, which NO ONE should do to another person. The heart is a fragile organ, and can be wounded easily, and if someone is knowingly playing with it, they need to know it's completely unacceptable. Either she wants to make this relationship work or she doesn't, but she can't have a handy doormat waiting for her every move. Let her go with the advice to her that when she can honestly say that she's committed to you, you'll consider it, IF you haven't found someone else worthy of your affection. She needs to learn that you're NOT at her feet to do with as she wishes, and maybe she'll learn to respect people's feelings a little more then, and value the gift of love that's given to her.

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