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i could use help right now. BIG HELP!

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first let me start of saying that im a bi sexual girl. i have a current boyfriend right now. I have like this girl for almost 5 years. but that girl have a bf, im not sure how long, but its pretty long. Im planning to tell her how i feel, but what should I say that will not freak her out? I dont want her to feel uncomfortable or ruin my reputation. I dont talk to her anymore and i barely see her much. PLEASE please help i'd really need it.

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Hey inlovewithanna,


I'll presume from your post that your female.


This is a very tough situation indeed. You cannot change someones sexuality, not at all, and with her boyfriend I'm almost positive she's straight.


Personally, I wouldn't recommend telling her, but thats down to you, are you two friends? If you are, you have to think of the hypothetical, yes, she could not know how to react, and maybe distance herself from you, could you handle that?


I'll tell you a quick story, I have a best friend, she's Bisexual aswell, I've known her for about 4 years, and after two, we got slightly tipsy, , and she told me that she had strong feelings for me, I'm a straight girl and I could never go with a woman, but I just politely told her that it wasn't going to happen, we're the best of friends still, and she's now engaged!! So I personally didn't feel uncomfortable, but I'm sure some people would.


There's a couple of hypotheticals for you to think about anyway.


Whatever you decide to do, good luck

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