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I'm interested in a girl.

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I'm interested in a girl in class, but I'm afraid that she may have a boyfriend. I don't know, but I seem to always find interest in the ones that have boyfriends. I'm afraid I may come off as a creep, and I'm afraid she may say no.


But I'm not afraid to talk or tell a joke or two, and she laughed.


Should I really try anything, seeing as this-->


Is how I feel about myself right now? Or should I just go grow a tree?

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Well you could wonder all your life what could have been ... or you can see what may be. I vote for the second approach


Take it easy and be her friend first. What do you have to lose? A bit of fear. What do you have to gain? her affection and your possible happiness.


It's a no-brainer in my book.

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you won't know if you care for someone enough? well, you won't know for sure if you don't make a move. too much what ifs in this here. you need to act on it or kick yourself forever for not doing anything.



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If you don't know yourself, how can you let her know? Before you commit to anything, you need to straighten your own life out first, or your being very unfair to a prospective partner.


What kind of tree would make a good house plant? I would like one that is low maintenence but physically attractive at the sametime. I had a venus fly trap once before; it was such a vagina dentata.

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