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This is reallly killing me, me and my girlfriend have decided to take a break, so we broke up to work on our friendship, and she was all worried I wouldn't want to get back together with her, or I would find another girlfriend, but I know I wouldn't. BUt now that we have, shes acting like shes already over me, and I feel like she wouldn't care we got back together or not, and I'm freaking out right now, everything is just bringing me down, I feel like I've got nothing, I feel like I'm dieing or something. I hate this.


I will put up a message she sent me, and to me it sounds like she wouldn't care if we got back together and she just wants to stay friends:


"HEY josh just want you to know that i still love you and care about you so much..THat song i told you about i mean that im still here just not as close..lol i guess idk anyway hope you had a good v-day..Love you..cant wait to give you your v-day present...(kiss) I love you!!"


The whole thing about her not being there for me as close really hurts me...

I don't know what to do or how to fix this, cause she says she wants to get together again, but then she makes me feel like she doesn't want anything to do with me...

Someone help meee.

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Hey Josh-


If this were me in this situation, it would be time for a serious talk. The gloves would come off in the way of hard questioning and the truth would come out. Ask the hard questions and expect the hard answers, especially the ambivalent ones. Be prepared to walk away from this for your own sake, at least until the situation isn't killing you anymore.


The situation as it is killing you and that is no place to stay. We could speculate on the decoding of her messages all day but I think the solution will come from hashing it out. Better to do it sooner than later while you still have some sanity left and something fruitful might come of it.

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I agree with frisco. This is one of those times when a decision should be simple. She either wants to be with you or she does not. I am always suspicious of this sort of behaviour because it too often means that the ex is keeping the former partner on the back burner in case no one better comes along.


Don't be put on the back burner - you deserve someone who wants you.

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