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We don't have a song. Unusual?

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Hey guys,


Been awhile since I've been on here but I do have a question that has been getting to me. My bf and I have been together for almost 1.5 years. We have a great relationship, I love him alot. He means alot to me. But we don't have a song. Is this unusual? I've never had a real relationship before so I do get caught up in alot of romantic notions. I don't know why but songs don't really remind me of him. Is that weird? I have songs I remember him playing in the car early on, but nothing really romantic. We would like to get married in summer 2008 but it would feel strange to get married without a song. Makes me feel like we are not romantic enough. I worry about alot of stupid things in our relationship, maybe this is one of them.

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We never had a song either. No insult intended but I think that this is nothing to worry about.


Or you can manufacture a song - say "I like this, we will play this at the wedding" . I did this. So we are both reminded of "us" when we hear some songs, but nothing characterises or typifies our relationship all on its own.

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Hey Cyberchick!


Good to hear from you. I missed your awesome advice around here.


Great to hear things are going well for you in your relationship. Always good to hear someone come back to let us know they are doing better than when they left. I seem to remember you mentioning back then that you were working on worrying less about little things in the relationship...


As far as not having a song...yep...it is another stupid thing you are worrying about in the relationship...

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Hey guys,


Thanks for the reassurance. I have ocd as some people on here know ( though I don't always believe it, but I know that's part of it ) so I do feel anxiety over the stupidest things. Aside from that I'm pretty happy about how things are between us and I'm looking forward to marrying him. I've been going through songs for our wedding, and have a few in mind. Some of it may be too girly for him, but hopefully he'll think of some as well. And if we never have ine, I guess it doesn't matter. It's not a true indication of love, is it?

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Frisco, it was nice to hear you missed my advice. I'm glad to hear I added some value to the board when I was on it. I went off it for awhile because I think it making my anxiety disorder worse. I'm very suggestable so when I read things going wrong or right in relationships it causes my anxiety to spike. I may try to come back on in limited doses but I think I want to get a handle on my disorder first.

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Frisco, it was nice to hear you missed my advice. I'm glad to hear I added some value to the board when I was on it. I went off it for awhile because I think it making my anxiety disorder worse. I'm very suggestable so when I read things going wrong or right in relationships it causes my anxiety to spike. I may try to come back on in limited doses but I think I want to get a handle on my disorder first.


You definitely added to the forum! I loved reading your advice to others...


I'm sorry to hear about your departure due to your anxiety. How are you doing with dealing with your anxiety?

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My anxiety at times can be bad, and then I go through phases where it's little to non existent. My bf had gotten me The OCD Workbook at one point after I got diagnosed but I started freaking out I didn't have ocd ( weird I know ) and didn't have the courage to read it. I recently went through some traumatic stuff ( nothing I can talk about ) and I was given an anti anxiety pill. It was just one pill that one day but my anxiety has significantly reduced and so have my obsessions. I'm starting to obsess again and my anxiety has come back a little but I feel like it's manageable. I'm ready to give The OCD Workbook another shot so that I can prevent another cycle of obsessions or at least know how to deal with them.


I would like to come back on the forum because it feels good to help others on here. Alot of people on here, including yorself, were very supportive when I voiced some of my worries and it helps. That and the ocd board I go to. Frisco, what's new with you?


Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Hope you have a special day.

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Hey Cyberchick-


I know what you mean about the feeling of helping others...


If anyone can get on top of anxiety it is you. You have good wisdom and insight. You'll get a handle on this I have no doubt about that. Actually, it sounds like in many senses you have.


I have OCD myself but it usually only manifests itself in silly little ritual habits and organization. You'll have to tell me if The OCD Workbook is any good...


I'm doing good, thank you for asking. Nothing really to report, life is good...


Happy Valentine's Day to you too and I am so glad to hear of your engagement.

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Frisco, you should try The OCD Workbook, I hear it's very good. I'll let you know. I didn't know you had ocd. Another good one is called " Stop Obsessing! " I started reading it and some if the techniques were good for relieving anxiety. I have compulsions like you but mine are mental, the kind of ocd I have is Pure - Obsessional. Glad to hear life is good.


I'm not quite engaged ( no ring on the finger ) but hopefully it'll happen by next year.

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Are you both into music? (I know some people who could care less if they listened to it or not)


And if you guys are....maybe a concert will help ? Find a song you both like and see if that band is touring (and check the concert venue for the band... make sure it suites your tastes)


My personal favorite is Coldplay. There concerts are excellent, their music soothing, and an all around laid back crowd. Give it a shot!

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