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HELP i dont know what to do

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This may sound foolish since im so young but here it goes. Im 17 and i have been going steady with my gf for little over half a year. We have probaly had about 3 fights since weve been going out. everything has been going fine i thought i loved her, up until about a month ago, when i suddenly got bored of the relationship. I no longer have fun when im with her, when i am with her the nights seem long and all i wanna do is go home or get her home. she is madly in love with me and if i was to break up with her she would be devistated, heartbroken, and a overall wreck. and i dont want that cause than i would feel just as bad. but i know that my love for her is non existant any more. She is an amzing person kind, loving, caring, funny. someone that i would really like to keep in my life as a friend. (befor we went out she was my bestfriend). I dont know what to do. How can i break up with her but keep her as a friend at the same time if that is possible? is their is some way to get her to dump me? I need help badly any advice is helpfull.

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How can i break up with her but keep her as a friend at the same time if that is possible?


In the short term you probably can't. If you are going to end the relationship, do it with respect, do it face to face, be honest with her, and don't offer unrealistic hope.


Hopefully she will one day see that you were respectful of her and she will in turn respect you for that.

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Only way to do it is to just tell her. Don't expect friendship right away or ever. Sometimes you just can't have that after a breakup, especially when one person is still really in love with the other. Maybe you'll be friends in the long run, maybe not. That's just a risk you have to take when you break up with someone. Sometimes its just too hard for them to be friends. Anyway, try not to beat yourself up or feel too guilty. Yes, you will hurt her but its probably for the best in the long run since you're just not into the relationship anymore.


Out of curiosity...it is a bit odd that you just suddenly stopped feeling like you love her and got bored...any reason for that?

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