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girls liking short sex?

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I think I like it on the shorter side myself usually. Once my bf and I were doing it on the couch, and I think he lasted maybe five minutes, but the thrusting just felt so good it really didn't matter to me that it was over fast. I still really enjoyed it. I do find if it goes on for awhile, I get bored. Mostly becase I don't orgasm from vaginal penetration so I'm not really

" building up " to anything. Sometimes I wish it would go on for longer. Guess it all depends on my mood.

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I prefer a man who can maintain an erection for hours on end (8 is good). There is only one man I've met who can do that.


It is great because I can play with him all night or day. Intercourse, oral, fondling. He makes me feel like a goddess. Sometimes I have to do go and sleep on the couch to give him a break.


Years ago I used to think it was because he had a problem or could stay up cuz of drinking. But 10 years later he no longer drinks and can have an orgasm in 5 minutes if he wants to.


I think men like this are few and far between.

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I prefer a man who can maintain an erection for hours on end (8 is good). There is only one man I've met who can do that.


It is great because I can play with him all night or day. Intercourse, oral, fondling. He makes me feel like a goddess. Sometimes I have to do go and sleep on the couch to give him a break.


Years ago I used to think it was because he had a problem or could stay up cuz of drinking. But 10 years later he no longer drinks and can have an orgasm in 5 minutes if he wants to.


I think men like this are few and far between.


I bet you have met at least 50 men who can easily sustain an erection for an hour or two at a time with only minor lapses.


But probably 47-48 of those men haven't exactly taken cialis and viagra....so it may appear to you that they can't keep an erection very long.


In any event 8 hours would obviously be physically dangerous for many men. It is far better to just use a pde-5 inhibitor when you happen to have 8 hours to work with.

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I'm not a female, but one thing I notice is that if you have had a gf that would pleasure herself with a vibrator, mine would often start slow and slowly increase the intensity and steadily kept it there until orgasm. What I never saw was her approaching an orgasm and slowing down or stopping altogether which actually sounds more like something a man would do to sustain intercourse and prevent orgasm. I feel that this is probably the difference between short fast steady sex and long slow broken-up sex. Another point why females might become shall I say "frustrated" when having sex with these types of guys.


One thing I also found though was that for some, if I could bring them to the point of an orgasm and sorta stop so they wouldn't have it. They might be annoyed, but when the moment finally did come, man DID they cum. So I guess its a matter of choice and personal preference.

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