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Need Some Opinions Please...


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I've been dating a new girl for the past few weeks. We get along well and always have a good time together. While at my house one day she noticed a tile floor that I installed in one of my bathrooms. Yesterday(Sun) she calls me up and says she would like to meet me to go look at tile for her bathroom. I agree and go me her and her daughter at a local tile store. I was under the impression that we were just looking. Well next thing I know, shes wanting to purchase everything and go to her house to start tiling her bathroom. I told her I was exhausted and was not about to start a project that afternoon. The day before a friend of mines house flooded and I spent the entire day at his house moving furniture and removing his flooring. She knew this.

I told her I would be glad to install the tile in her bathroom, just not today. Well she starts having a fit and can't understand why I don't want to do it today.She gave me the cold shoulder the rest of the day.


Finally we leave the store and there's a Taco Bell in the parking lot. Her daughter wanted to eat lunch there. I told her that I needed to go to a ATM and get some cash for lunch. Maybe I'm wrong, but after all the dinners and events that I've paid for with her, I was thinking that she would offer to cover my lunch and save me a trip to the bank. She's never once ever offered to buy me so much as a Coke. Well, I go to the bank and get some money and meet them back at the restuarant. She ordered for her and her daughter and paid. I paid for myself.


My qusetion is: Am I wrong to think she was being a little unreasonable about the tile floor. After all, I would be glad to do it for her, I just didn't plan on doing that afternoon and am I wrong being a little ticked about the lunch?

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Am I wrong to think she was being a little unreasonable about the tile floor
From what you described, my answer would be NO, it wasnt unreasonable. Also, her not even offering to buy you lunch is a red flag. Not to mention that she threw a temper tantrum and didnt speak to you the rest of the day is also a red flag.


This doesnt sound like a loving, caring relationship.



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I'm with Orlander.


What a selfish person that would ask you to do such a thing, and then get upset when you were too tired to do it the day she wanted it done, and doesn't offer to pick up the tab for your meal after you helped her pick out tile.


I'd seriously consider ending this relationship.

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I agree. Maybe she thought you'd find her "cute" when she throws a fit and that you'd just give into her needs. She could have at least mentioned why she was paying for her own food and not yours. she should have paid - it was Taco freakin' bell man, that doesn't get any cheaper.

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