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should I forget about her?

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have been out with a girl out twice...first time when I met her and then a week later. I guess we both have mixed feelings where this might end up. So far we like each other and the past two meetings were also lots of fun.

However, major issue is, that she is almost ten years younger than me (she being eighteen and me being 28 ), but when I am with her it feels like I am the one who is young and inexperienced...so I don't know if that puts her off. Even though I am 28 I am very often taken as a 24 one. Actually my appearance and my age have always given me the problem, that I never really got to date in my younger years, since I looked to childish, now that I am looking a bit more mature, I have better chances but am way too inexperienced.

Anyways, because of the age difference I would think that it would be wiser not to get further involved. But exactly that is the problem...I have entered this loop, where I think more and more about her the more I try to forget about her...so an entire week has passed since we last saw each other and in this time no e-mails, no phone calls or messages. I wonder if she will get in touch with me...or if I should. So what do you guys think I should do?



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Forget about the age thing, she likes you for who you are. the rest is just numbers.


dont give up on something that could be a great thing, age will only be a problem if you make it one.


If you give up now, you may regret it for a long time.


So if she like you and you like her, dont complicate things and over analyze stuff, follow your heart.

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Thx for the positive advice, Gilgamesh and Swingfox,


I would like to see her again. However, I don't know how she feels about the whole thing...besides the fact, that she said that she likes me. Also she said that she wants to take it slow and did not want that I was getting too attached to her so fast. That's why I didn't get in touch with her this entire week. Haven't heard from her until now either. It's weekend now and I am wondering if I should find out if she wants to get together again.

I might wait till saturday to call her up and see what she got to say.


thx again



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Everyone's advice has been right on. As long as you weren't 25 and she was 15, this has a good chance of working out! Just relax around her and stop thinking about the age difference. (Cause it seems to be pulling you to your younger, more immature days). Why not give her a call this weekend. 1 Call a week is hardly grounds for becoming to attached! But most of all follow your heart and good luck!

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