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why does my girl needs a break?

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hi all,

i had been dating this girl for a month and 3 weeks,and things were going awesome.i never felt this way about a girl in such a short amount of time.

It all started when she came to work with me for the summer(with my company i work for). We became friends at first then we each started showing interest with one another.Finally she asked me out for a drink and of course i accepted. shortly after that i ended up asking her to be my g/f on july 10th. We had great times, saw each other all the time and talked everyday...most of all SHE CALLED ME!!! i never had to call she always called me. She now had to go back to college only 2 hrs away from me. i helped her move in and everything. I visited her the first weekend she was there before school had actually started. She calls me on sept 2 2003 saying she needs a break . I was crushed and confused

i dont know why. she says i changed since shes been at school. that i dont trust her cuz i always ask q's on what she does everyday and with who. i only want to know whats going on in her life and who she hangs with. She likes to party alot and thats o.k. theres nothing wrong with that.

she says sometimes she feels i look down on her if she does something like drinks to much and pukes or whatever... i dont at all!!! she just felt that she couldn't be herself around me anymore as if i was judging her or something. NOT TRUE!! I care about her so much and i could never think like that about her. she said she might have different feelings after a week or a month or 4 months who knows. I just dont understand how u could let 2 days of some things i said ruin almost 2 mos of the most wonderful times of my life . Please help i know it hasn't been long but it was special. We had so many weird yet cool things happen to us that looked like we were meant to be.. for instence: her birthday is march 20(first day of spring) mine is june 21st(first day of summer). The day i asked her out was july 10th the same day her brother is getting married in 2004, and i didnt even know, it was not planned at all. Our fist kiss was on the 4th of July.My middle intial is a C her first name begins with a C..Her middle intial is J my first name begins with a J. One time we went out to chinese with like 6 people and we somehow got the exact same fortune( see weird yet cool). I think shell come around cuz her family loves me and my family loves her, maybe she just needs a break to see what she is missing. i miss her so much.. i was suppose to see her this weekend too(not anymore). I hate this feeling of hurt it sucks so bad.

theres so much more i could say but please reply.. THANKYOU

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I understand your confusion. Since the relationship was so short, do you think she was with you to have someone during the summer break? It may be that she has someone at college which she has never mentioned, but I could be totally wrong about all this. You may want to back off a little to give her space and not ask so many questions. When you do, this might be pushing her away from you. You honestly need to think where the two of you are now. She is in college meeting different people maybe even a guy. She may have broke it off with you because of that. Unless you can talk to her person to person, I don't think you will really know. Just because it was for only four months, it doesn't mean that it wasn't special to you. Losing someone is never an easy thing, the pain is fresh and hard to forget. My advice is to not contact her in any way, let her come to you. The more you persist, the more she will push you away. The hard part will to let go, it isn't easy but once you do, things will get easier as time goes by. Believe me, we've all been there and had to deal with it and life does go on. At the stage your at now, nothing anyone can say or tell you will make it any better or easier, it's something you have to do. Never know, when you break contact with her she may end up calling you.

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hey thanx 4evernight it sounds like a mature and intelligent reply.

she already said it she doesnt have anyone there, but however she

is meeting new people and seeing guy friends she hasnt seen in a while. i am just going to stick to my guns and let her call me she did say she doesnt want to completely break it off... i guess thats were im confused. thanx again man!!

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