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helping a friend or date??


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My best friend had set up a night out with her guy and with another couple, well the other couple broke up before the night out. She called me to see if I was interested in "filling in" with our guy friend, I said sure, I haven't seen him in a while and it would be nice to get caught up.

First part of this is.....I was talking to a girl friend of mine about this "double date" and my crush overheard me saying this and he goes " who's going out on a double date" and I ignored him partly to see what kind of reaction he was going to give. Again he goes "who are you going out on a double date with, me?". At that point I had to go but about half and hour later he follows me into the room I was going to and he again asked who I was going out. So I told him a little bit of the situation and then he goes "oh that's not a double date" and then he smiles and pats me on the back.

Was he jealous at first?

Second part.....well its the day that I'm suppose to go out with my friends and I get a call saying that the guy was sick and he wasn't going to make it. So I call up my crush and say "so you remember the outing I was going on tonight". Well of course he did, so anyway I tell him that the guy got sick and asked him if "he wanted to take his place" and he says yes and tells me to call him in a couple of hrs since he is at work and let him know of the time, which I did. We talked for a few minutes and then he tells me he is busy and he will call me back later. Well he calls me when he gets off and tells me he is on his way home and he will call me then. He gets home and gives me a call and tells me that he is really tired and that he is just going to stay in for the rest of the evening(he didn't get off work until 1am the night before and he had to be back at work at 7:30 the next morning to work a 10 hr day). So anyway we end up talking for about half hour. My question(s) do you think that he would consider this a date or just helping out a friend? He did mention taking a reincheck if he wasn't able to make it, in our earlier conversation when we figuring out times and stuff.

Now when we see each other he will say something to the people we are around and look at me and smile. His entire face lights up and his eyes sparkle. Are these good things?

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Hello Wild1,


Oh yes, these sound like good things to me.


On your first question, the fact that you didn't tell him right away, probably made him curious. He may have been interested because he himself want's to see you, hard to know for sure.


He might have been tired from work that evening or maybe he also simply wanted to spend a little time with you before having an official date, you know. (As he might see it, even though he was just filling in.)


But, I would say that it looks promising from here.


Good luck to you both.



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I may have messed up on asking the guy to a movie. I sent him a message to see how he's doing and then I asked if he wasn't busy if he wanted to go the the movies. Well he read the message but hasn't replied yet...is this a bad sign? I think the mistake on my part was asking him in a email instead of in person, that way I could gage his expression.

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