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is it friendship or something more?

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I am 26 yrs old. I have a friend (?) [female] of the same age.

She is married. I am single.


We have gone out to movies, lunch and stuff.


From her view point, I guess she thinks me as a friend.


I want to treat her as my friend but I have weird feelings.



Every week or every 2 weeks, I want to go out

with her. But I am not sure if she wants to go out very often

with me. So I chicken out.



Even though we have common friends, I prefer going

out alone with her.



She rarely INITIATES any date. So I am not sure

if she is interested in me or not. But most of the time, I have asked

her out, she has accepted it.


Now..I am not sure...


1. If such kind of things are normal in a man-wowan friendship

or not? Because she is married, it has become little more complicated



2. If she really likes me or Is she accepting my dates because

she does not want to make me feel bad?


3; Should i try calling her out more often or just forget

about ?




Any of ur advice will be appreciated.

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I believe that perhaps she sees going out with you as a relief. She may not "initiate" any dates because she likes to know that there is a guy that wants to be friends with her even though shes married, and if she starts to "initiate" dates, she isnt being true to her husband. If she didnt like going out with you, she wouldnt. I think that where you are is just fine, but i wouldnt even start thinking of being anything more than friends than her, after all she is married.

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