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Getting out of procrastination! This pattern kills me lol!

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I think my main problem now is that I have too many distractions which get in the way of me doing more important things. Like for my New Years resolution, I said I was going to do so many things.For the longest I've been saying I was going to excercise, and do more things around the house & just more constructive things.I always end up spending hours on the phone,watching tv or on the internet like I'm doing now.Especially the internet because it's soo addictive, I'm either talking to someone on Instant Messanger or I'm downloading music and videogames,movies etc etc.It's a very bad pattern that I can't seem to get out of doing.I keep saying I'm not going to do it but I end up doing it anyway.


I guess what I'm trying to say, what are some ways to get out of procrastination and to start actually doing things? I think my problem is that I lack self discipline. I also think that's why I spent a period last year of depression because I was just so stagnant with not wanting to do anything. Now I want to do something but I just can't find myself to focus on more important things.I think I mainly get on the computer to escape boredom.


I've been saying I wanted to get in shape last year and here I am with no progress. I have dumbbells and a weightbench that are collecting dust lol!Just pray that I wake up soon and if anyone have any tips that would be helpful.. I'd gladly appreciate! Thanks.

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I think the word SHOULD is evil and I want to eradicate it totally!!!!!


People are so enveloped by what they SHOULD do- "I must quit smoking" "I must get more exercise" that they never listen to what they really want inside. If all you want to do is lie down and do nothing for a month then just do it. Let yourself totally go.


In about 2 weeks you'll get bored of it and that will give you true momentum to fulfill your desires. Then instead of a guilt list you'll have a list of true desires which you will find easier to accomplish.


I reckon........

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Yeah I know what you mean, ever since I got out of highschool, and since I've been in college...I really became a bad procrastinator. I used to come home and do my homework/studies right away, get it all out of the way, then enjoy the rest of my week. Now I do papers last minute and study for tests last minute, and rarely pull off the grades I used to. I dont know, just some things don't intrigue me like they used to and I don't care as much as I should. I'm just finding every day I learn there's more to life than money, and jobs, and learning about things I do not care about. I don't want to end up some person who just gives up on everything, because I do care and do work on things I LIKE. But uhmmm...the best advice, and the hardest thing to do is take your own advice. As Nike says..."just do it."

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Do not SHOULD on yourself. Self Discipline is hard to maintain and instill on ones self. I can relate to your post... but as long as you enjoy the things you feel you need to do less of then their is no ham being done.


You can only begin to change by taking baby steps. Living life one minute at a time. In that regard maybe you need to stop the things you feel are excessive in small intervals. DO not try to change things perfectly. I believe this is where the should of's come from. Their is no perfection only progress, remember that.


Try to change the should to NEED. And try not to punsih yourself if you fail. Change doesn not happen over night. Especialy if you are aware of your procrastination. remember baby steps.



You can spend your life beating yourself up over the things you should have or could have or would have done, in the end it wont get you anywhere, you didnt and all you can now do is start again today.


So try to remember that their are no "should have" "would have" and "could have", their is only "I need to....." Every minute is an opportunity to start again.


be well,


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Yeah, I should just take small baby steps. I actually got off my butt on my off day today and I cleaned up my room. I know it's not a big step but I'm getting somewhere.I've been saying for a month that I was going to clean it up and I finally did it. It feels good to know that I did something.


I'm going to take your advice Brando and just start off slow. That way I can get adjusted to the new routine.I really hate wasting my youth away and I'm approaching 21 this year so it's time I start acting like an adult.I'm going to focus back on the times when I was small, when I didn't have a computer & when I didn't have so much stuff. I remember during those times, I would go outside and play with friends. Well I can't do that now,speaking that most of the people I used to grow up with in my neighborhood moved away and now there's a bunch of new kids outside that play now. Plus I'm too old to go outside and play anyway lol! I also remember doing constructive things like writing, which I grew out of doing.I'm trying to gain my passion back in doing that.


My goal is to accomplish something this year...

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