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confused about religion help me get this straight??

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ok well im 15 so im young and still learning everything in life and religion and god and everything....


but what im saying is, is there really a god, couse opinions go both ways.


ok well i do think there is a god but what kind, couse there are so many diff. religions with so many diff. veiws and such, but then again theres scientific info that like he not real or somthing. Like god could be real couse * * * created everything we know as today, what created matter, what created the galexies and everything, but then again why havnt we seen any angels or anything in the last 1,000 years, couse technology? and everything, and also, the story of adam and eve, that kinda has to be fictional couse humans evolved from apes and stuff, (and im srry im not really educated with diff, religions and stuff so feel free to say anything,)


so if anyone couls give me opinions and help with this that would be AWSOME

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You are not going to get one straight answer, each religion has its own belief. As for me i'm ofa Pagan/Wiccan religion so I believe in a higher power but not a "god" I dont worship anyone as do many other religions . This is something you have to figure out for yourself, do alot of searching and find out what you believe.



This quote sums up my "religion"

"Witchcraft is a religion that respects all living things, seen and unseen in the divine universe"

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Like Mythical_Suicide said, everyone has different beliefs. What matters is what YOU believe, even if it goes against what others may thing -- as long as your beliefs don't directly cause others harm, of course.


I personally don't believe in any kind of deity, but I find the subject of religion fascinating. If you are doubting your beliefs, it doesn't hurt to do some reading on the different religious denominations...maybe attend some services...And remember, nobody can tell you what to believe. Yes, some people may try to convert you, but it's ultimately up to you to find the answer in your soul.


I had a similar question a while ago, and people were very helpful...Here's a link to that old thread.

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You will never know anything nor everything. Science becomes more of a description more than an explanation, but it is description which distinguishes us from earlier stages of knowledge and science. After all, the last organ that formed in Apes was our consciousness and big brains. It is entirely new when compared to our bipedality, and our consciousness can be ever unreliable at the sametime.


Religion only herds people for the better of the state. Humans are naturally herds, through the family, through kinship, through community, through tribes, and ultimately the state. Religion enforces long term motivations to enforce a society's taboo for the better of the group. Magic, godlessness, the worship of false gods, irrational behaviour, eroticism have all been classed as evil by the group viewpoint at one time or another because all of these elevate the individual above the group, which is a threat to the majority.

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so really, being religiouse and everything is just an idea? thats what i was thinking, so really there is no specific religion.... they just say that couase way baq when everyone hated eachother and wanted there "ideas" to be the top one.... well anyways the reason i brought thisup is couse im going to church this sunday, and we have been talking and this will prabably upset alot of people, but we plan on kissing and some other sexual stuff, "not sex" but i think its kinda wrong, but we also both really like eachother andhave no where else to hang or go couse we both have homewokr and stuff to do,, (and dont wrry wede be far off when no one will know where we are) but is this really as wrong as it seems, couse some of my friends have told me to just go ahead its no big deal andothers r saying its a huge deal....

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I practice Asatru, so I am kind of on the same Page as you are.


"Science is magic that has not been explained yet, and magic is science that has not been explained yet."


I heard this quote a few years ago (can't even remember where) and it stuck with me. One of my favorite quotes.

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The universe's creation is explained by the big bang theory. The explanation for the big bang is a recycle of the expansion of the universe. As the universe expand with the force caused by the initial explosion, over billions of years it will then collapse back onto itself. Right now it's still accelerating outwards with increasing speed. Think of it like a basket ball. All the lines represent the path of the planets. It starts from one end, explode, and then collapse at the other end.


This is an indefinite cycle and each time, the law of physics is altered but gravity will always exist. The law of physics is very different in 3 different scenarios. It's different for the very small which scientists have discovered and been researching. It's different for "normal" that was discovered by Newton. And if the theory is right it is very different for the very large (planets and galaxies). Right now we don't know much about that physics so we create a fictional phenomenon call "dark matter" and "dark energy" that has yet to be proven (so it can fit our "normal" physics).


In order for life to exist (ACCORDING TO OUR UNDERSTANDING) we must have a moon about the size of 1/4 of earth's diameter to help stabilize temperature, we must be a certain distant from a sun so we don't burn or freeze, and there must be water and sunlight. But we have discovered some organisms that live deep under water that doesn't use sunlight. It creates energy form chemicals found on the deep ocean floor created by lava flows. This means that there might be other "living" life forms near us that we cannot understand.


Our sun is getting old and it's also expanding. It will eventually turn into a Red Giant and turn Earth into Mars. Our Moon is slowing moving away from us at a few inches a year and soon our planet will wobble out of control and we will have months of burning and months of freezing temperature and the days will get longer and longer. When the moon was formed, earth days lasted 4 hours. The core of our planet that creates the ozone layer to prevent the sun's radiation is slowly cooling and will eventually disappear.


So yes, there is a God.

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I'm going to make a recommendation to you. Take a course in world religions. It opened my eyes up to SO many different cultures and beliefs. I f you're curious about what's out there, I think it would be really helpful and enlightening to you.

I have no idea how big your school is, but larger highschools sometimes offer them. If not, every college will. Give it a shot

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srry i didnt even say who the "we" was..... its a girl who i met a few weeks ago.. and just for the info, we have already made out in the church



It's disrespectful, I dont believe in "GOD" But even Iw ouldnt tread on such territory. It's disrespectful to those who have belief in that church. I suggest you two find somewhere else to take your exploratory acts.

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