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I do this because of a girl.

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I realize this motivation in the classroom, at work, or anywhere else. For instance, when I was a child, I got baptized because of a girl, and I'm still baptized and I hate that religion. That was a bad example and a bad choice. Anyway, I realize, that without the girl, I'm not really motivated to save the world or clean up people's left overs. The motivation can really be a good thing, and throughout culture this motivation has been the same for many heroes. I see myself as a hero sometimes too.


What if there wasn't the girl? Well this makes things, not flow easy, and other miniscul motivations such as money or self-enlightenment and the will to learn provide the driving motivation.

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Women - can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, huh?


I presume the reason for most things in this world is simply done to impress the opposite sex. Billions of dollars a year are spent simply on making women look good for men, and men base 99% of their actions to impress teh ladies. It's quite something, really.


Only the asexual have any chance of escaping this web, you know.

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you don't own your life if you can die by someone else's hand or if a higher being controls the good and bad things that happen to you. No one owns their life because life is above ownership. Everyone has a life but they don't own it other things do (or people in this case). Take drug addicts the drugs own their life because they live around them they need them without the drugs they might as well die. Some women and men are owned by their looks life revolves around looking good the makeup owns them. Others are owned by their emotions or greed. I don't look at life as an ownership of something its a privilege. Or it can be looked at as a test a test of heart and soul why do good if there is no reward? In my mind life is what you make of it just like a car on credit is in your possession you can work on it add to it but it is not your own at least not technically. So is life you can add good memories, remove bad ones, believe in religion and wait for an answer for the long haul or invest in the turbocharger and commit suicide to get to the bottom of the question. What is life? Granted the last way is a bit to extreme for my tastes but if you need an answer thats a way to find it just don't leave the rest of your loved ones in the dirt by looking for it. Life, life is a pointless search for a reason.

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Biologically speaking, life is a system of organisms that serve other organisms that make up the biosphere. Biologically speaking, life is possessable through parasitically, symbiotically, sexually, economically, and predatory and other consumption processes. thereforeeee, the life of mine is possessed by sexual and economic means. Thus, the freedom of life is nonexistent until our departure from the organisms that are our masters.

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