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What do i do to get my only love back!? HELP PLEASE!!!

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OK, this all started at the beginning of the summer. my girlfriend and i had been together 5 months and things were getting more seroius because we always were aroudn eachother. i think she started getting sick of me. now, by the end of the summer it was bad, she started meeting this new guy at the college and keep in mind shes 16 and im 17, hes 18.....well i got mad at the fact she hung out with him just those two until 1 in the morning, but i really do trust her. im the only one shes ever been with and she broke up with me last wednesday. she said shes going to see other people to figure out if she really loves me. shes still got my pics all over her room and still talks to me at school and called me sunday. i really havent talked to her since but things are ok. shes still seeing that freshman guy but she says they are just friends. what can i possibly do to get her back? i was really clingy after we first broke up cause it was hard fro me....i needed to know what was going on.....i pressured her a lot but she still didnt end it with me, she just told me to wait and see what happens.....i think i have a good chance with her and i sent her this email just now.....


Hey there *******.....i was really bored tonight so i was dickin around in my email and i came accross a folder of all the emails we sent back and forth. You know, i did notice a lot of things. Before we went out and as we were just starting to see eachother, we were really nervous about a lot of stuff lol. and i also noticed how things did get more seroius and how you might have felt about a lot of the things i said. i have been thinking a lot lately and i guess it was just my first long term relationship and i didnt really know what i was talking about. and about you wanting space and to meet new people, i should have completely understood. trust is the basis in any relationship and i just wanted you to know that i did trust you completely. i just felt left out. but thats wrong because we were around eachother so much our feelings were being questioned. i just want you to know that i learned a lot from us and thanks. I know that youre just a 16 year old girl thats about to turn 17 and you havent ever been with anyone else and you need to be with other people because you dont want to waste your teen years being with just one guy. I guess i have been acting kindof selfish about this whole thing but i just didnt understand lol, sorry. I still wanna go to hc with you as friends ok? if you dont want to thats alright, i always have mary to fall back on......but please dont make me go with her!!! i just wanted to tell you these things, this is really what i wanted to tell you sunday night, but we never did have a chance to talk that night. ill just let nature do its thing now and if you feel like emailin me back or callin me, id love to hear from you, but ill give you your space that you deserve. lol i have no idea when you will check this since you NEVER EVER do, but i hope to talk to you sometime soon....sorry if i was pushing you too hard when we first broke up.....it was just hard going from being so close to not even talking for days....i think im getting smarter and smarter about this every day though and i do hope that we work out in the end but if we dont, we can still be friends right? welp i guess ill see you at school.




was that a good thing to do? what can i possibly do!?!?

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Hey bud..

sorry to hear about that.. but there is nothing that you can really do to make her change her mind. all you can do is wait and see what happens. give her the space she needs and let her figure out what is best for herself. its a grousome task to do this, but its something that you gotta do. just let things be for a little bit.

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