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I wish I did'nt feel anything anymore....


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Well as predicted, my movie date with my co-worker was a bust. As you may remember, she blew me off the first time. The next time I saw her at work she asked me out to a movie the following Wed, with great use of smiling, eye contact, and touching.


And then the day came and I met her at the movie, and she did'nt seem to want to be there. Maybe it was just me, but she barely talked to me, did'nt look at me, nothing. And then later at work she told a mutual co-worker that we had a good time. Well I did'nt have a good time, in fact, I had a bad time.


Flame me all you want for my post, but i'm tired of this. I'm tired of flaky women and women who just flirt to piss me off. I wish I did'nt feel anything anymore. I wish I could cut myself off from everyone I know. I'm tired of having hope then it blowing up in my face. Its the same crap everytime and it will never change. And seeing as how i'm good and depressed right now, all I want to do is die.



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Hey trolloc,


I am sorry that this date made you feel this way, and it's strange that she first ignores you and then tells people she had a good time? We won't flame you for how you feel, in fact flaming is forbidden and people vent about dating here all the time


Can you think of a reason why this upsets you to this extent, such that you feel THIS depressed? Do you feel like you are dating the same woman over and over again? Then maybe it's time you change the sort of lady you date. Maybe you feel attracted to women that have a certain attitude, it could help to date women to whom you don't feel attracted that much in the beginning and see how it goes from there. But maybe it's better to take a break from dating for a while first, when you are depressed things can really look worse than they actually are.



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I've felt the SAME WAY you describe. Over and over again I got the feeling that this time it will works, that that guy is into me and... NOTHING. They weren't into me, they just wanted some fun, flirt or they were just bored. I also felt that it will be better to die, if I can't someone to love and someone who love me back...


Right now someone is into me, but I tried to don't imagine things that maybe won't happen... but it's hard, because I think that is really normal to want someone to love and feel loved by them too. But there's always the risk of getting hurt.


But I also think that from bad experiences you can learn what you did wront and maybe to look for another type of person. And if you see some red flags from a possible partner you always can stop seeing that person.


Like you I also liked guys who were warm and cold at the same time. They liked to play games. And me too! But I always got so hurt. Now I get away of people like that.


I hope this helps you.

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Can I join your club?


I think I've been cursed by my recent ex. I've had several dates with different women since I broke up, which all were flakes. I've tried to set up some dates with 'potentially interested' women, which turned out to flake out during the first phone call. Heck, I was ditched as recently as today.

It's not that I don't accept the rejection. It's part of the whole dating experience but come on 100% flakes out of all dates sounds freaking suspicious.



What else can I say but to keep trying and not look back...

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Thanks guyz for the understanding, i'm slowly learing that I need to just shut up about my problems and not air them out for all my co-workers to hear. The minute you tell them how you feel about yourself, you look weak and like a loser.


Anyway i'm still 'into' a few of my co-workers, but i dont think anything will happen. The one I went out to the movies with i think was just being friendly and decided to do a little too much flirting with me (harmless to her anyway ).


The other one has been sorta flaky as well and currently is in a serious relationship. She only seems to really want to talk to me when her and her man are fighting. This gal and I were supposed to be good friends at one point, but over xmas I cut her off for something that happened. We were to exchange gifts while working during xmas. I gave her my gift on xmas eve, a harmless gift cert., no biggie there. She completely forgot to give me one, and has still never given me a gift, despite me giving her crap about it.


Now this is kind of petty for me to not be her friend just for this, but its not about the gift. It's really about the principle of it. You see, were supposed to be friends, and I remembered to get her a gift, but she just can't remember??

No, bullcrap... She does'nt even care enough to get me a gift or to even give it to me, so that was the end for me. And they wonder why I try to keep away from them at work.


I guess it does'nt help seeing as how i'm the only male nursing assistant in the building, and the only one on night shift. And it really does'nt help that my co-workers are really hot and i'm into them. All this relationship stuff is still new to me, and I need to determine when women just talk to you and not hit-on you, its all very confusing.


Anyway sorry I got all suicidal thoughts on you, that happens when I get really depressed.

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Trolloc I understand your feelings, because now I feel the same you do. The guy who I thought was into me, because he asked my number, didn't call and I feel like a fool thinking he was shy and that I had to help him.


I think maybe we need more patient and wait for more green flags to act and be into someone... until then, nothing is going on...

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