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Trip to the Gyno...

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Well here goes with my first post:

I havent been to the gyno before, and I kno Im a bit late in goin, but I am wondering if there is anything I should know, or anything I should not do before going? Like at a regular doctor check up, you dont eat after 12am? And another question, I plan to take birth control, and I don't know much about it. What are your top choices for these? Do I still have a regular menstrual cycle? Any help works... ](*,)

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What doctor do you see that makes you not have anything to eat after 12am? Id change doctors, here you only have that rule if you're having surgery the next day.

You can eat right before you go in, they're going to do nothing that eating is going to mess up.

Do everything you'd do on a regular day, you dont have to change anything.


as far as birth control, talk to them about it there are so many different kinds , different forms, etc.. There's Depo which is an injection, many different pills and there's also and IUD. But you need to talk to your gyno about which is best for you.


Thats about all you need to do, is talk to them they can answer ANY question you have. Don't fret, you'll probably be given a pap smear, have you ever had one before? If not don't worry ( I KNow easier said than done) but it will be uncomfortable at first but don't tense up it only makes it worse.


Good Luck, its never fun visiting the gyno but being healthy should be your number 1 concern.




Oh yea, Forgot to add be sure to be completely honest as far as sexual partners, etc , etc they wont judge you but the more information they have the better it is for you.

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mythical... bloodwork that requires fasting is a reason not to eat after 12am prior.


ninako... yeah, you basically just have to relax and go with the elements of the exam. they should tell you step-by-step what they're doing, and help you, but there's nothing really to do to "prepare". although, they generally dont want you to have had your period the week before. PAP smear tests are super-important, so it's a good thing you're going for a check up.


my favorite BC is the pill or patch... and you do keep a regular cycle with those. you should basically just ask lots of questions. they should be more than helpful!

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Yeah , I know that but unless you have something wrong or are having special testing done there isn't any cause for fasting the way she said it you have to fast just to be seen..

The only time i've ever had that happen at the doctors is when I was pregnant and had my glucose testing done. It's just weird to me and i've had so many types of bloodwork and such done.

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Yia I had only mentioned the fasting because I had been to a dr's appt and they had me fast, cause I was going in for a cholestral checkup. Thanks for the tips guys Im uber nervous about it, but I know it needs to get done.

my parents never forced me into getting a gyno, and sometimes i wish they did cause then i'd have an idea...but ah well, better now than never.

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Thats awesome that you are pushing yourself to go. It really isn't bad, I have to have them early 3 months because of a cancer scare. I know its normal to be alittle nervous at first but if you have a good gyno like i've had for a few years now it will make it much easier. Good Luck! Let us know how it goes.


Oh, yea I thought I added it in about the birth control but i'm on Yaz and I really like it. My periods last for 3-4 days with little to no cramping and they are so much more comfortable to live with than they were befor eI started on this birth control (my periods that is.). Just bring it up to the gyno and he/she will be able to point you in the right direction as for whats right for you.

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