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1. Cardio. At least 45 mins each session. At a pace where talking would be difficult.


2. Drink just enough fluids, but not too much.


3. Cut down on sugars, watch the dairy, and take in more fresh fruit and vegetables. Have smaller meals, more often. Ie. six meals staggered evenly throughout the day.

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South Beach Diet and Split Cadio. I lost 11 pounds during my first week and 20 total the first month. The second month was a bit slower, but I still lost 10 lbs total for that month. I had also slowed down on the split cardio by the second month too, but still, 30lbs in 2 months is fast. It's not an unhealthy diet at all either. The first phase is the hardest because you are detoxing, but then after that you get to reintroduce certain foods back into your diet and things get easier. It's mostly healthy lifestyle changes that make sense.


The best way to do split cardio is in the morning on an empty stomach (run, jog, speed walk, treadmill... whatever gets the heart going) and then cardio again in the evening. Also, dont eat 3 hours before bed.


Anyway, I've now lost 65lbs and kept it off for 2 years so I'm proof it can be done.


Good Luck!

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i have tried the south beach diet, but for some reason i was feeling really full after the little bars i would eat..is it cuz their meal replacement bars and of course all PROTEIN?? im goin to the gym quite often now since jan1,2007, and im slowly trying to eat smaller meals more frequently...

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Simple - Input versus output. Use more energy than you are eating and you will lose weight. There's no secret miracle to it, it's simple physics.


Now that in mind, it's easier said than done. I've been trying to lose weight since I was 13!!!! I take ephedrine to try and supress my appetite, but I think it might be illegal.

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i have tried the south beach diet, but for some reason i was feeling really full after the little bars i would eat..is it cuz their meal replacement bars and of course all PROTEIN?? im goin to the gym quite often now since jan1,2007, and im slowly trying to eat smaller meals more frequently...


Oh... I'm talking about the real South Beach diet, not the products at the grocery store. The real diet is more of a recipe book and guideline to eating healthy. It's written by Dr. Arthur Agatston. It's not about eating low carb and low fat, but about eating the right carbs and the right fats. The first phase is the most difficult, but that's because it's a detox phase, meaning you can't have sugar, caffeine, fruit, or any white flour products for the first 2 weeks. After that you get to start eating fruit again, and let me tell you, it tastes like candy after not having anything sweet for 2 weeks. The other things it focuses on are portion control, fiber intake, calories in verses calories out and just general healthy living. My friend is a dietician/trainer and she demanded I let her check it out before trying it and she gave me the ok. She's also recommended it to some of her clients since.


Good Luck in whatever you choose to do. I know it's not easy, but it's worth it.

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Real South Beach diet. I feel less hungry these days and need less food to be satisfied and the weight continues to decrease. I also feel a lot better with less carbs. Get the book from the library and read it!


Do you drink pop? Cut it. I also gave up Pepsi and I think that made a big difference too. Replace it with water or some lo-cal soda (not juice, that's just as high in calories or higher!). I was cranky for the first 3 days, but I also don't miss it anymore.


The two helped me lose 15 pounds during the Christmas season.

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A modified fast will work (like PSMF)


Basic outline...


1-1.5 grams protein/ lb lbm

Fibrous veggies (ony the ones that literally have negligible calories)

Tiny bit of fish oil for EFA's


Eat nothing else. Drink tons of water.


Lift and do cardio. Just be careful about recovery.

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