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Recently I've been researching and trying new herbal tea.


So far, the healthiest I think I have found is African Red Tea (Rooibus).. High amount of antioxidants.


What are other peoples favourite Herbal Tea? Looking for new ideas.

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I stick to mostly plain, caffeine-free ones. I recently bought Stash Brand blueberry herbal tea and wild raspberry flavors. They're not bad.


I'll give your tea a try and see how it is. Do you add anything to your tea (like honey, etc?)


Wow... how coincidental. A few weeks ago I bought a 10-pack of Stash Blueberry and Raspberry herbal tea, but haven't really cared for either of them.


I'm mainly a black, green, and white tea drinker. I always add a little Splenda to it to give it some more taste, as a lot of the steeping bags are not very strong.

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easy guy: two comments


I read somewhere (can't find the source) that this african red tea is thought to have up to 50 times more antioxidants than Green Tea!


Secondly, do you trust that splenda stuff? Kinda like aspertame, i think it may cause problems in the long run for people (cancer etc.)

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easy guy: two comments


I read somewhere (can't find the source) that this african red tea is thought to have up to 50 times more antioxidants than Green Tea!


Secondly, do you trust that splenda stuff? Kinda like aspertame, i think it may cause problems in the long run for people (cancer etc.)


As for the first question-- I've heard of red tea, but haven't bought any yet.


Regarding the second question-- no one really knows what the long-term implications of Splenda (which contains sucralose) and the other artifical sweetener Equal are yet. It's not the simplest of matters; a multi-sided issue. I trust it right now... and prefer to use it instead of real sugar (which has its own set of problems if used too much). When real, solid evidence on a wide range of people over a long period of time leads to a definitive conclusion, then I will consider other options. But at this point in the game, it is fairly early to predict anything.


And it beats real sugar regardless. My family on my mom's side has had a history of diabetes, and using sugar (which strong influences your glycemic levels) often for long periods of time opens the door up to that.

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I drank Rooibos when in Southern Africa a few years ago, and the stuff they gave me at the hotel smelled really...intense (read: slightly manure-like). It also left masses of brown residue in my cup. That pretty much scared me off Rooibos. Is that the normal Rooibos experience or did I drink freak tea? I could have been doing it wrong: maybe you let it steep for a very short time?

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