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I must be crazy... need help here please..

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If you and a girl were together for one year, thought things were going great. A few minor dissappointments here and there, nothing abnormal. Infact, this was one of the most pleasant relationships I've had.

She says she loves you, and tells you that you are possibly the one. I never told her I loved her back, but I wasn't sure and didn't want to lie.


During that whole year she never shared any concerns of dissappointment with me other than she'd like to see me a little more. I am busy with 2 jobs and school. I still try and see her when I can. She goes away with some friends who happen to be male. I trust her, because we've talked about how we give each other freedom to do things. Well, I get a little jealous over the few days she is gone, and realize how much I want her to get back and actually am realizing I do love her. I tell her. She thinks its too much all of a sudden.


Anyway, she likes another guy. I even asked her if there was someone of interest. She said no. Not at all. So my telling her how much I care for her and would hate to lose her, did nothing but end our relationship in 3 days flat. I am messed up over this like never before. Next night after our on the fly break up, she is in bed with dude. I go to his house because he was my friend. I am mad. I express that. I also express I still care for her, all she has for me is she is not "in love" with me.


2 days later she says she is not with him, didn't do anthing with him but sleep, and does care for me. So, this makes hope in my head. I talk to her days later, and express I want to try and make us work. She says she can't right now. Maybe some day. But she is attracted to dude, but not necessarily going to be with him. Well I know she wants to be.


What does this mean? I still imagine and hope for us to be together. Am I stupid? Isn't that cold of her? Is this normal? Can things be ok if I forgive her and pursue her back????


She hasn't even called me in almost 2 weeks.

How can someone transform like that?

I never used to put up with this type of crap.

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Dearest Confused,

She doesn't know what she wants pure and simple. I feel as if she got scared of a good thing, paniced and then found someone else.

Or yeah I agree with S4il that she's playing mind games probably to see exactly how much you do like her.

But at any rate, NEXT! Onto bigger and better!


Be Well,


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It's tough, but someone who cheats on you is not someone you want to get back together with. Whether or not she slept with him isn't an issue, she still cheated on you emotionally. It's a tough thing to go through, but it's part of life. You are young and may go through this again most likely. I just ended a 4 year relationship without warning, it takes some time to heal but you must move on.

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