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Well I learnt my lesson

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Well yesterday I learnt a valuable lesson , never ask out a sick girl. Theres a girl I've wanted to be with a long time. And we're really good friends and all. And today she told me she was sick so I told her that humor is good for your health and asked her if she would like to go see Night at the Museum. And she asked who all would be going and I said I didnt know. She said we need to get a group together. And I told her I could pick her up and she said that'd be cool. And she seemed interested at first but her interest kind of died. She said she didnt know if she would feel up to it or not. So I told her Id call her later and see if she was up to it not. Well two tries and I didnt get an answer.


I went ahead and got ready to head out and pick up a couple things when I got a call. It was her and she sounded sick and we talked for a few minutes and she said that she was with her mom picking up some food. (Which will probaly be good for me, because her mom likes me.) And i jokingly menitoned the 9:15 movie and she said she wasnt feeling well enough to which i said I was just kidding (although I was but there was the hidden agenda). And she was asking me about who I was going to be hanging out that with that night and I told her I was just going to run to the store and pick few items up. I asked her about her symptoms and she said she thought it was a sinus infection. And that was that. There was some more but Im kind of drawing a blank lol.


And well Im just remarkably confused about it all.. I mean did she want to go? Was she really sick lol (I mean exagerrating her symptoms so she didnt have to go with me? How do I act Monday when I see her? We've been friends for 3 years and good friends at that and I've for the most part kept my feelings to myself. This girl is a really great girl,and will probaly be the captain of the cheerleading squad once she gets older. And I mean Im a pretty good guy and I changed my style big time over the summer and its remarkably improved my status with girls. So I just dont know if Im good enough for her either. its a real mess honestly.. Any tips or advice or anything?




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She sounds like she is trying to suss out the whole situation on what you see as the friendship and what she sees as the friendship.


She proberly did want to go but wanted to suss out who else was going? Does she know that you like her more than a friend because it sounds like someone has told her something?

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Well I don't beieve anyone has told her anything. I mean its always been kind of a rumor that I may have feelings for her but we've been friends for a long time and when a girl is as popular as she is, thats inevitable. So I really dont know, I mean she may have noticed, maybe someone did tell her, I really dont know who though lol. And I had to look up what suss means, that term hasnt exactly caught on in America lol.

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