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Scared To Even Go To School... :( How Bad.

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I'm in my last year of high school, the important one, and ive got so much going on I'm now really scared to go to school!


The school does have this "Beat Bulling" Thing, where the school and pupils all argreed that bullying is wrong and that it should be stopped, But my school is all word and no action.


Ive been bullied sense year 8 by the same people, and i dont even know why!! Ive told my form tutor, done nothing. My head of year for each year, done nothing. The head of the beat bullying teacher, done nothing. Ive even told the head teacher, whos done nothing! My parents know and they just say ignore it, But i cant! Im one of them people who lets things build up inside and then cant take anymore!


The type of bullying is name calling, pushing me, mocking me (And i dont even know why because I'm smarter than them all and at one point I've even had a little fight where I've been pushed to the floor, my hairs been pulled and ive been slapped around the face lots... The teachers did nothing, so my parents rung the school and had ago at them so the girls were suspended for a day, but then they came back and started having ago at me for telling on them, (This was in year 9 and they have never let it go, even though I didnt do anything to hurt the other girl!)


Now its getting out of hand, they leave nasty comments to me on link removed (Which i had to leave because even when i reported abuse the website did nothing) they calling me nasty names and taking the mick outta me for everything and anything they can think of!


But now I'm getting picked on by even more people in my year, who keeps calling me names aswel as the other girls.

Ive cut my wrists everytime they have said something nasty to me and the scars go right up my arm, The teachers saw this and thought nothing of it!


I dont cut anymore, but insted I punch the wall, which does help because it helps with stress.


Aswel as all this bullying two of my teachers have lost coursework which I had to redo because my computer blew up! Its not fair i feel like the whole world is against me, the sooner i leave school the better, but I cant keep ignoring these bullys...


Should I stand up for myself against this new bully and just carry on as normal with the old ones? But what do i say?!


Please help

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How long would it take you to travel to the 2nd closest school? In my high school there was a girl that everybody picked on & it wouldnt have mattered what she did differently everyone still would have picked on her cuz they were in the habbit I guess. What exactly do they say to you? And what do you say back? Do you get angry or quiet with them?

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Transfering to a different school would be your best option, even if it is far away.

If you absolutely can not do it, then complain loudly. Talk to the principle, the teachers, your parents the board of education. Get evryone involved and stand up for yourself. They have no right to bully you. Get other people on your side to help you stop the bad behaviour.


I really recommend making as much noise as possible, even if they igonre you at first.

You may also want to see a phycologist or a councelor to make it easier for you to deal with all this.

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It's your last year, try to make the best of it. Stand up for yourself against these bullies. I know that school officials don't do crap when it comes to that kinda stuff because "It's normal, kids are mean" I went thru bullies in school back in the say and it sucked...but keep your head up

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I have had a very similiar problem when it comes to bullying. Since 6th grade, there always a couple of girls who would call me names like "gay" and "fag" and I had no idea why. I never spoke to them yet they called me these names and it really did make me feel bad. Now, I am in 11th grade and one of the girls who name called me still goes there. Luckly she's not in any of my classes anymore but, I also think she matured some.

What i'm trying to say is, yeh, it sucks and the bullies seem like they will never stop. But just know that you probably have a quality that they are jealous of. They most likely feel the need to feel strong so they pick on someone they "think" is vulnerable.

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It's easy to let yourself be bullied. I've tried it. But the more you stay quiet, the more you're going to get bullied because you become an easy target. If you don't feel good with something someone says to you, then you do something about it. You don't need to put up with it. Don't give them the impression that you're weak. It's never going to stop if you do.


I'm a non-violent person. I don't believe in using violence to solve anything. But when it comes to something like what you described above, you need to fight back. If they push you, mock you, anything like that, try just reasoning first. If they continue, then I'd say fight back. If someone slaps you, why should you have to put up with it? Don't rely on others (i.e. teachers) to solve this for you. Obviously it's not going to happen. However, as WildlySofisticated said, try get other people from your school to back you up. Just don't rely on them. I say again, you have to stand up for yourself.


As for what to say....well, say the first thing that comes to mind. I know it's not easy. But you've got to say something. If you let fear or despair overcome you, you'll never be able to say a word. Convince yourself that you're strong.


By the way, hurting yourself is not the way. I'm glad you've stopped cutting. It can easily become a habit. Try punch something not as hard as the wall Or start doing sports or something. Do you have any hobbies? Do you do any kind of sports or something like that? It's a great way to relieve stress, instead of punching walls.


P.S. I've been down the same road...

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You're not alone...I'm in my second year of A Levels and a lot of issues have screwed up my chances of getting decent grades. Term started on Thursday and I've been too scared to step into school. I plan to have a talk with my head of sixth form today though.


Angel, you can only do what you can do at the end of the day. With regards to the coursework - isnt it possible to stay behind for an hour or two after school and do some catch up? I'd say you're safe from the bullies in an intelligent place such as a library - its like a cross to a vampire. Additionally, you have all the help you need surrounding you. Just remember, dont swamp yourself with schoolwork because you dont want to get yourself into more of a state. Little by little is the key. If there's anything I can help you with, let me know.


As for the bullies...well, the r-tards are absolutely everywhere. 95% of schools who claim to have an 'anti-bullying' policy are too scared to use it anyway. Suspension is BS. Just keep your head up girl - you're better than they'll ever be. They're gonna be stuck in dead end jobs for a lifetime 'cause they're using up all this valuable time targeting people like you and I.

Never retaliate. Never, never retaliate. Dont stoop to their level.



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If it continues and you cannot handle the bullying, report the happenings straight to the police. They're more likely to do something about it - after all, it is abuse.


Keep a journal of their actions - what they say, what they do. Get evidence when and where you can - esp on sites like Bebo. Your case will hold better if everyone can see consitency down on paper.

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What exactly are the police gonna do? Sure if the police does something then they might stop with the violence but hey the taunts arent gonna stop. Honestly I wish that I'd stood up for myself when it happened to me, and showed them that I'm not that weak. If she goes and hides, they're gonna just be more motivated and get more fun out of it. I'm not saying she should necessarily be aggressive like them. But she shouldn't stay quiet and put up with it.

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I understand what you're saying. But her general safety comes first, and if that means shutting up as opposed to having seven shades of * * * * knocked out of her, thats what I'll advise her to do.


I was bullied, the school and police dealt with it and I was never bothered by her again. Call me lucky, but it worked for me.

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I effing hate bullies. I was bullied much like you, from year 9 up until year 11. I was gentle and smart and couldn't understand why they were doing it. Sometimes it's just someone they happen to have targeted on random (though me being not-so-popular and having red hair didn't help) They often prey on insecurities; for example I was quite shy and quiet. I told the head of year, who got them suspended for a few days, but like yours, they didnt stop. What did get them to stop however, was showing I had a backbone. One day I just completely snapped and picked each one out, sinking as low as possible and firing back insults about their hair,clothes,looks, stupidity.. They didn't even dare look at me and left me alone from that day forth. Sometimes all it takes is a bit of retaliation.

I'm aware this isn't the best of things to do, as it could backfire for you and make the bullying worsen. Is it not possible to get one of them on there own and have a 'talk'?

I also agree with someone else saying make as much noise about it as you can, don't quit telling teachers,heads of years, the headmaster.

However, don't feel like you need to cut. Bullies and depression led me to cutting for a year, and the scars just aren't worth it. It leaves so much emotional baggage as well; once you get into cutting it's like an addiction and you don't want to get to that stage.

Have you any friends you can confide in? Avoid being alone if you can, walk with people from your class, even if you don't know them that well. Good luck. Keep us updated.

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SORRY IT'S whether or not you decide to switch schools don't take their taunting. I was teased in middle school and i too would self mutilate, punch walls, etc. to get the emotional pain out. you need to know that the reasons they are teasing you is of no fault of your own. it took me until my senior year to realize that. while you shouldn't have to take either the physical or emotional abuse, make the school do something about the physical abuse. cutting or hurting yourself helps them hurt you. I know at the moment it seems like the best outlet, but in the end it's not. years from know you will have scars that symbolize what you hated about highschool. those reminders are not something you want to be stuck with. and hurting yourself only hurts yourself, those bullies don't care about your feelings. and if you can't stand up to them with words or help from teachers if you stop hurting yourself and shrug it off it will help. they might continue taunting you, and they may never realize that you've changed but you will. you might be teased all through life in college the workplace etc. but in the end the ONLY opinion that matters is yours and Gods(it you believe). An idea for you instead of cutting is to take a block of wood and a bunch of nails. in that board pound in 1 nail for each person that taunts you. then try to find an outlet besides self mutilation that works for you(music, drawing, writing, etc.). Now this will tak time, but one day you will notice that somebody's remarks or teasing don't hurt you, and the day *sally's* words don't hurt take the nail out. eventually you will have taken all the nails out and all that will be left is the scars on the board just like the scars on your arm . and hopefully if that experience helps you, you will never have to add another nail.

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