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So i'm friends with this guy, and we're really close. I like him alot more than friends, but, about 8 months ago, long story short, "we" decided to just remain friends for many reasons. my feelings for him haven't gone away, and have probably even grown since. about half way through this summer, he started going out with a gurl he used to work with. I wuz crushed not only cuz i like him, but because i wouldn't get to see my friend as much. About a month ago, i was talking to him and he said "i really miss you, we hardly ever see each other and barely talk on the phone anymore." (The first part of summer we talked on the phone ALL the time and saw each other almost every day.) I felt the same way. Since then, I've seen him almost every day, but his gf is always there so we still don't really get to talk. I do things with him, but its almost like hes not there cuz he's with his gf the whole time. I hate to sound selfish, but it almost feels as if i've been replaced, even tho i know i haven't. I dunno what to do cuz i want him to be happy, with his gf and everything, but I'm really, REALLY missing him!

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Hey..hmm yea, u do hav a bit of an situation there. I think he might just wanna bring his gf along all the time coz he doesn't want her 2 b jealous or get insecure about things. Try 2 get him by urself wif u sometimes but understand this, he's wif someone else, do not try 2 get him 2 b wif u. Things'll turn out ugly. Even if u are friends, maybe just let him b like u said, u want him 2 b happy. When u loose ur feelings for this guy i reckon u won't want 2 see him as much. I think the reason why u want 2 see him so much and want him 2 spend time alone wif u is more bcoz u like him more than a friend than it is as a friend.


You agreed on staying being friends, that's the consequence u hav 2 pay i guess.


Happy Heb

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I really think u love this guys very much. Right now you are feeling alone and need his attention. But let's face the facts gal. He already had a gf. And you have started to feel jealous. He brang along his gf so that she will not get jealous. You must understand this fact. He need to spend his time with his gf. Not you! Let go off this guys girl. You two are not meant to be together. If you really care and want he to be happy, dont always meet him. Someday, he will get into trouble with his gf..

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Hey! I'm in a similar situation and I (reluctantly) agree with the two other posts. I'm seeing my current female friendship through blinders mainly because of my feelings for her. I keep trying to put the best spin on things because I want to go back to the days where we would spend all day and night together (phone calls, visits, etc.) but I'm beginning to realize that we have moved beyond that. The sad part is that I'm having the hardest time accepting it....


psychobballgurl... I say all of that because you too must accept whatever reality exists between you and your friend. If he is seeing some else, then use it as time for you to heal your feelings and look for someone who is worthy of your love and affection. I hope this helps! DW

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