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Is this good? Or am I seeing what I want to see?

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It's been 3 weeks since we broke up, she just didn't know what she wanted anymore so she broke it off. Tried the route of NC, it seemed like it was best for the both of us. But then she called me on New years day and wanted to just hang out.

Well, we spent some time together in the last couple days. Watched a movie one night and then spent the following day together in the mountains snowboarding. We just had fun, and there was what seemed like a little playful flirting going on.

When we got back to town we went to dinner and talked about things. She said she thought she knew what she wanted when she broke it off, but now she wasn't sure again. Said that "everything was normal again, and they really haven't been normal in a long time." She still doesn't want to jump back into the relationship right away because she wants to be sure.

I feel like i'm so close and it's within reach, but I don't want to do anything that might jeopardize my chances and push her away again.

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Hey sweetie...nobody but her can say where shes at with the relationship BUT the only way not to push someone away is simple: DONT PUSH!!


Back off a little..dont hound her and let it happen. If its meant to work itll work out...and nothing you do or say is going to flip the switch so dont exhaust yourself.

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Hi, wishiknew.


Well, seems like the feelings are there, but maybee you need to communicate a bit better. You don't want to go into this relationship if it has no future for any of you: Stop playing around and get som serious talking done.


As for tactics, it seems like she's interested, so just take it easy and play along gently. Don't get intense, but lean back and see if she is really interested. Any help?



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Thanks for the input guys.

We talked yesterday briefly, she wants to take me on a snowboarding trip for my birthday this month. It's somewhere i always wanted to go but never got the chance to, so we're gonna do it this year. Still seems like a friendly trip more than anything else because she asked if any of our other friends might want to come along.

I got a little ahead of myself thinking we could go for the week, she was thinking more like 2-3 days because money is tight after christmas. I offered to pay, but she won't accept because "we're not dating and I can't let you do that."

I was crushed when i heard those words, but its the truth and i think it's helped me to accept things a little more. Back to being confused again i guess.

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Thanks for the input guys.

We talked yesterday briefly, she wants to take me on a snowboarding trip for my birthday this month. It's somewhere i always wanted to go but never got the chance to, so we're gonna do it this year. Still seems like a friendly trip more than anything else because she asked if any of our other friends might want to come along.

I got a little ahead of myself thinking we could go for the week, she was thinking more like 2-3 days because money is tight after christmas. I offered to pay, but she won't accept because "we're not dating and I can't let you do that."

I was crushed when i heard those words, but its the truth and i think it's helped me to accept things a little more. Back to being confused again i guess.


Technically, you AREN'T dating. You have to warm up again.

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