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always SHY when I see a hot girl

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Ok I work at a supermarket and I am actually a bagger. Everytime I see a hot chick in my lane I always get nervous and look the other way and not talk. I'm usually talkative but theres so many hot chicks shopping at the store and I get so shy. How do I overcome this? I want to get their number but I never tried approaching the HOT chicks but the average chicks I'm not usually shy.

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Do you have insecurities about yourself?


Do you think they'll reject you, since you think you're not on their level when it comes to physical attractiveness?


Are you self-conscious about being a bagger in front of them? Thinking they go for the guys that probably own their own business, drive BMW's, own their own houses, etc. etc.?



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It would be incredibly difficult to get their numbers...

You can try overcoming your nervousness by vowing never to attempt to pick up a customer.

There are much better places to find potentials.


Some of the better encounters are unexpected, and totally unique. No place is really a bad place to meet people. (Within reason, of course)

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Yeah because they are some real hot model status looking girls. Some of them are from ages 17-21 and I'm 18. I've already got rejected because these girls were laughing at me when I tried to talk to them like asked what they were doing that day.

Do not show fear. Do not show rejection. Show confidence. When you ask them, do not have the look of a guy being privileged to ask them out. Look like a guy who is giving them the privilege of going out with you. If they laugh at you, nod your head confidently, give a smirk and walk off with pride. But don't walk away from the entire scene just yet. Walk a few steps and let your aura set in. Make sure they know that it is their loss, and watch ther laughter die down into curiosity and maybe interest in one they just spurned.


And then you will be the boss of the outcome, not them.

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Badger gives good advice here. Very good.


If they don't want you even after you do as Badger says, then this just shows you what kind of person / people they really are. You do not want to go out with a snobby, stuckup girl like that. Looks aren't everything!


As someone else said on the forum a couple of days ago: A chocolate cake can look so good to eat, but when you bite into it, it tastes like dirt.


Are you gonna keep eating, soley because it looks good to you, yet tastes like crap?


So, try not to only let your eyes go for the model type girls; usually, they're spoiled, stuck up, and look down on people. Not good.

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It would be incredibly difficult to get their numbers...

You can try overcoming your nervousness by vowing never to attempt to pick up a customer.

There are much better places to find potentials.


I agree with this statement. Work is not the best place to try this.

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