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so if anyone can understand whats going on with this guy i'd appreciate it. See he always used to hate me and i hated him. we were enemies and we both knew it. then these sort of rumours started going around the school that im gay, i think he caught me checking him out in the changeroom once, and suddenly he's nice to me. he's all flirty, in a joking way, and sits next to me and sometimes touches my thigh and then laughs. but then when i kinda flirt back he'll pull away and say "gross that was so gay...", and then the next day he'll walk into class and sit down next to me and say "hey sexy!" so what the hell is going on? do u reckon he likes me in a gay way or as a friend or what?

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Ok... people like this are slightly... 'off.' I don't know the person, don't want to.


This just seems like a version of manipulation. If I were you I'd ignore it.


If your into guys, he's NOT the one for you.

If he's into guys, he's NOT the one for you.

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Hmmmm. This sounds familiar. Kind of went through this in high school myself... guy that was always kind of an * * * * * * * to me, until about 9th grade. Won't go into it but it was almost exactly same. I found him on myspace, a few months ago... gay. But that doesn't mean the guy you're talking about is, people are really weird.

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Sorry but im with agathon this guy could be one of the jerks ready to pay out gay guys... Trust me they are around. Don't go there and if his giving you mixed signals then maybe he is gay but isnt comfortable with it or anything. I don't know but i do know its dangerous to go for it. Its up to you in the end but just don't take things to far and find out his being a git. Ok good luck either way.

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