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Everything posted by quasar99

  1. so if anyone can understand whats going on with this guy i'd appreciate it. See he always used to hate me and i hated him. we were enemies and we both knew it. then these sort of rumours started going around the school that im gay, i think he caught me checking him out in the changeroom once, and suddenly he's nice to me. he's all flirty, in a joking way, and sits next to me and sometimes touches my thigh and then laughs. but then when i kinda flirt back he'll pull away and say "gross that was so gay...", and then the next day he'll walk into class and sit down next to me and say "hey sexy!" so what the hell is going on? do u reckon he likes me in a gay way or as a friend or what?
  2. I geuss you're right. I mean i know lots of guys flirt, but it's just something about these two guys that make me think it's not just an act. And some of the stuff the first guy does seems really affectionate, like running his hand up my thighs and through my hair, and poking my stomach. He does it in a joking way, but it seems like theres more to it. and i'm not out yet, but i reckon there's about of a rumour about my sexuality at school and ever since that started the first boy in particular has gravitated towards me. So that's gotta be a good sign, right? and by any chance do you go to school in N.S.W.? funny if you knew him. or even better, were him.
  3. you're right about the email. It's just that i cant think of anything else. And you are probably right about my "worshipping from afar" too. geez, you know me better then i do. i geuss it's just so frustrating because i know this first guy likes me, and i like him, and it's so obvious. but neither of us know what next. i geuss one day, if we ever find ourselves alone together, it'll just happen. i geuss all i can do is try and set that scenario up somehow.
  4. well i got a problem. theres 2guys at my school. Now one guy acts fairly gay around me, and we flirt like mad. He always sits next to me and touches my legs sometime and just does gay stuff. But then occasionally when i talk to him in a gay sort of way he'll sort of groan and say "yuk, that was so gay", and he talks about girls a bit. So it's confusing. And i like him sort of and he's fairly hot, but i dont know how to go from just flirting to something more... ANd then theres this other guy, who is easily the hottest guy in school. I REALLY like him, more than just his looks, but it's impossible to tell with him. I sort of stared at him in class a few times and i know he knew i was doing it, and it kinda felt like he was staring at me when i wasnt looking. And he acts gay around other guys, but it's hard to tell if its just the way he acts. Plus he has a million girlfriends, but i tend to think that's just a cover. And i cant talk to him that much cause i get so nervous. I cant tell if theres anything there or if i just like him so much that i think there is, even if theres not. SO what do i do? DO i try and go with the first guy, settle for a bit less in a way, and if so how? Or do i go with the guy i really like, and again how? I've thought of sending an annonymous email asking how they feel, do u reckon that would help? whatever advice u can give me would be greatly appreciated.
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