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Advice Please - Low Self Esteem

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Lately I have been crying every day. I feel so bad because I am alone and the guys I like don't like me. I see the girls they go for are very pretty and normal and happy. I come from a broken family. Even though I love my family and see them every few years I don't have a relationship with them that is close like most people. I'm afraid no guy will ever want to be with a girl like me. I feel like I have so much love to give and I want to share it with a guy. But then, I feel so resentful and upset at how I was raised, so alone. I feel like there is no meaning in my life. I have tried doing things on my own, hobbies etc, that was fun for a while but not anymore. I want someone to share it with. Any advice is appreciated.

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I can relate to this. I don't come from a close-knit family, either. While growing up, I'd go over to friends' houses and see how their family dynamics worked, how close they were, and I'd feel a pang of jealousy. It made me question why couldn't I have that? I have my low esteem moments, as well. Some days I just want to curl up in bed, cry, and feel sorry for myself about a deprived childhood and family. I can't say there is a way to get over it...atleast I haven't found it. Most of the time I just try to not think about the negative feelings and block them out and only concentrate on the good in my life...but at times it catches up to me. The best you can do is try to live one day at a time and try to make the best out of it.


As for worrying that no guys will want you, don't. I'm sure you have a lot to offer...there will be someone who sees you for who you are and appreciates you. I wish I could be more help...

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Jynx, I feel like you actually understand. Thanks for your perspective. I know that is how i have been managing so far, just not thinking about it. But lately I just feel so alone that I don't have a bf and it just brings up the fact that I am alone in general. Any other advice is still welcome and appreciated.

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Ok, I don't know how much help I can be... mainly because I find it near impossible to be depressed. Im WAY too independent.


However, I have a few suggestions.


1. It's corny, but do something different. I.e. take up a martial art, write a story. I know, I know... but it works. Even if you don't stick with it, you'll gain experience...


2. This isn't to be offensive at all... excercise. Mainly, jog. I personally do that when I'm depressed. You may hate it or feel sore/tired, but you'll also feel great. Especially if you keep it up and notice changes in your body. Sky rockets self esteem.


3. Now it's not the BEST way to live... but try acting like your more than whatever you see yourself. I'm kind of arrogant myself, but I still aim for more.


Yes these are all cheesy, but some of that actually works. Got me through the only period of time I was depressed. ... Then again I'm 17.


Just believe in yourself. If you can't, fake it... eventually it will develop. I choose to believe things will get better, and despite the downs I've had, there have been many ups as well.

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Ya know what? Everyone has been there. I have been there recently. I can tell you this, it can change. I myself, am so tired of other people making me feel bad. So, ya know what?


I am not going to let them do it anymore. To hell with my ex. She can do what she wants. I am outta here.

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