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When will the pain end..

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same here. dwelling on the possibility that she could come back is the worst. ive started to migrate my thinking towards why she wasnt a good choice to be with in the first place....


and new things keep coming to me...


doesnt help the hurt though. i was so close to breaking NC today..

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Hey Wayner and Benson!!!

Guys, the first thing I want you to know-AND PLEASE BELIEVE ME

Is this WILL PASS !!!!!


My ex broke up with me in the summer and it took me a long time to really start getting over him. I was depressed, sad, angry and there were days when I hardly got out of bed. Your heart is used to sharing itself with your ex-almost as an addiction to heroin. When that "heroin" was taken away from you, you go into withdrawls and your heart doesn't know how to deal with this.




The one thing I can promise that you'll regret doing is breaking NC. I broke it about 3 times and after each time, I felt awful. So try and save yourself the heart-break all over again....DON'T BREAK IT! You guys are so much stronger than that!!!!


Keep a journal, cry, go to the gym, go out with friends, lay in bed ALL DAY, do whatever you have to to feel better!!!


I really can promise you that it will get better! You just have to keep up your hard work, and one day, you'll look back and realize how far you came and it will make you feel AWESOME!!!!




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I'm a month and half into my break up. I find that it's been helpful and necessary to put the focus back on me in a bg way. I was so consumed by the ex, I lost track of me.

I have taken up running again. I got to counseling. I have lots more time for my friends. It's been nice in some ways to not have this heavy relationship over my head. I feel a bit freeer to live my life. I was trying to be the perfect girlfriend for 9 months. Now I can just be me again.

Focus on getting you back. he stuff you loved about you that you might have lost in this relationship. You stuff you liked doing that you couldn't do with your ex. Learn from the last relationship what it is you need to fix about yourself so that you don't get into this same situation again.

Also, I haven't done NC. I call him sometimes and it annoys me so much that I remember why I am not with him anymore. But I miss him too, that's why I call. I get to see how he is and I get to remember how shallow he is.

It's a balence, between the love and the fact it won't work. It gets easier to do both.

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I have been doing okay keeping myself occupied during the day lately.. but when I'm home at night alone, I get pretty sad. I keep thinking about her and what she's doing right now. I think about whether she even thinks about me at all ever. I shouldn't be having these thoughts.. It's really late now, almost morning.. I just can't get her off my mind right now for some reason. This is more of a rant, since none of my friends are online for me to talk to. I'm sure they're sick of me complaining to them, but they have been so great.


I know I need to look elsewhere for happiness.. being in a relationship with someone I really like shouldn't be the only way, but I just feel that really is the only way for me to be truly happy. *sigh*

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I know I need to look elsewhere for happiness.. being in a relationship with someone I really like shouldn't be the only way, but I just feel that really is the only way for me to be truly happy. *sigh*


I know that feeling, i'm living it right now. Seems like our situations are very similar. Its hard to imagine putting so weight of our happiness on one person but we do and thats why its hurts so bad.

It doesn't matter what I do, where I go, she's always there in my head and my heart. Its been 3 weeks and its no better than the first day we broke up. BUT I've been through this situation before so yes I know that things do get better, WILL get better. Time right now is both our best friend and worst enemy. Time will heal us, but the more time we have the more we look back and wonder.

Good luck to you

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It has been about a month for me.. and about 2 weeks since I last contacted her. I have felt myself getting a little better, as long as I can keep myself occupied. I've been through this before as well, and it does get better. For me, I do think that in order to completely get over her and stop thinking about her, I'd have to meet that someone special once again..

I wish you the best of luck as well.

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