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Hi Lovely2400,


Welcome to Enotalone.

I am sorry to hear that you're hurting right now.


I think it's good that you're keeping yourself busy.

If the break-up was recent, it is natural that your ex is still on your mind.

BUT I truly believe time heals all wounds.


Please hang in there and know that we're here to help in any way we can.


Take care of yourself and please be extra kind to yourself while you heal.


Best wishes to you,


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The good news: it gets better.


The bad news for a while.


The middle ground: although he's probably mostly thinking about his needs and wants right now, I'm sure he's struggling too.


You're on the right track. Keep busy, and remember that the more time you think about him, the less time you have to take care of yourself. Put yourself first now.

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