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so during the day, I do alright keeping myself occupied and keeping my mind off my ex. however, since we broke up a month ago, I can't stop dreaming about him! Like, I just have dreams that we're still together and everything is great! And then when I wake up, I realize it isn't real, and then I get really really bummed out. I feel like my own mind is deceiving me! Haha. Does anyone else have this problem?? How can I get him out of my dreams?? (If that's even possible!)

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Hi Sasha -


Happy Holidays!


I have been having the same problem except that sometimes they are just awful cheating dreams and sometimes they are positive (usually not, though).


I have tried herbal sleep teas like camomile, valerian, st john's wort (altho I seem to dream more with st johyn's wort than I want to) and hops . Also passionflower tea. I buy them in bulk at the health food store and step them myself or buy the capsules (cheaper to make your own but you have to experiment to get the right "dose"


A teaspoon or so of mixed herbs, hops, camomile, passionflower and valerian seems to work best, steeped in boiling water for a few minutes. I sleep through the night and am usually refreshed with few bothersome dreams.


I have had more than a year's worth of bad dreaming off and on --- all involving her cheating on me. They started before I knew what was really up (she was cheating and had been) and then once I knew there was someone else (I now who) it was all about who the hell it might be. Then when I discovered or figured out who the main guy was, bad dreams about that --- then when he didn't pan out for her it was new guys (and gals too) tormenting me.


I finally sought help with the herbal teas and they help a lot.


good luck


PS after a while I began having nice dreams of women who dug me and were really nice --- and so I hate to say it is best not to dream. But the bad ones were horrible and --as with you --- when it seemed things were good in the dream --- waking up became the nightmare.

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I have tried herbal sleep teas like camomile, valerian, st john's wort (altho I seem to dream more with st johyn's wort than I want to) and hops . Also passionflower tea. I buy them in bulk at the health food store and step them myself or buy the capsules (cheaper to make your own but you have to experiment to get the right "dose"


A teaspoon or so of mixed herbs, hops, camomile, passionflower and valerian seems to work best, steeped in boiling water for a few minutes. I sleep through the night and am usually refreshed with few bothersome dreams.


Ah! Thank you! I must try this. My mother is a big tea drinker-- I will see if she can baby me and make some tea while I am home for Christmas!


Merry Christmas to you, and sweet dreams!

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same. i hate that. i still constantly have dreams of my ex, making love when it was good... relaxing with her, even woke up thinking she was beside me like every saturday night...

broke my heart every time..


Word. Same exact deal. I'm gonna try the tea thing that Seventh suggested, that should help. My physician gave me some sedatives to help me sleep through this difficult time, but I feel so disgusting and hungover in the morning, on top of waking up depressed that he wasn't sleeping next to me.

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