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Help! We're both really shy :-x


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Ok, I've only been seeing this girl for a week or two...


We've hung out three times... The first date I think went really well. Same with the second.


But by the third... I had ran out of things to talk about... I really like this girl but I'm very much an intravert and find it hard to come out of my shell... Once I do I'm very laid back and sarcastic/comical. The hardest part is trying to get out of my shell and talk to her.


There were a few times during the date where the akward stare begins followed by both of you saying... "So..." then laughing.


Yeah, that happened like three times >_


She's told me she likes me, but she is also shy and nervous herself.


Any tips on how I can be more open and talkative around this girl?


Thanks for all the future input ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Compliament her, her positive reactions will get your blood flowing and you should become more talkative.

Getting to know her better and better will improve your confidence and self esteem around her.

Get her to talk about who she is.

Only talk about yourself when she asks.

Find some common interests.

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Ive been in the same situation, and I hate tryin to bring something up out of nothing. The best way Ive changed that is make a date that neither of yall have done, like never tried japenese or go ice skating or anything. If ur shy then try and teach her something that u know really well. Like I love rock climbing so i took her there on a date. but its up to you and what interests that you like. Well good luck!!! and congrats on finding someone cuz thats the hardest thing.



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