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i think i may be going sumwhere..

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I have been posting about this girl for the past 8 or so months..

Where I gave her a strong letter and she told me it wont be a good idea (I ad given her an ok one b4 andd we talked briefly – it went well - but it was only after the second we stopped talking..)

Every one on here told me to let her go and move on..

Of course I tried that but she isn’t sum1 I could let go easily (after having known her for 3 years..), and today, this is what happened..

ME: Hey, xxxxxx, umm, I have sumthing for you. Can I give it to you after school..

I smiled and she actually laughed quite comfortably.

HER: Hi. Sure, where do you want to meet.

ME: I told her a place nearby..

HER: Ok. C u then..



ME: Hey, this is sumthing for Christmas.

(It was a watch with changeable wrist bands and different coloured tops…)

HER: Oh, for Christmas.. I’ll open it on the way home then..

(I think she was expecting sumthing else….. or maybe that’s just me..)

ME: YEA, no problem… C u 2morrow then..


And then I came home……

x )


Soo, I’m not taking this anywhere fast. But I was quite surprised by the way she took it as well..

So, what should I do tomorrow..

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The thing is, there are other things that effect everything more than it seems..

First of all, we have completely different group of friends and although I do hang around with a couple of her (guys and girls) friends, I know it wont be easy for us if we did get together..

But, I saw a spark of interest in her today and hopefully, things will turn out for the best..

Cuz, today when I gave her the gift, a lot of people saw and will question it tomorrow..

All I can tell them is it was a Christmas present and with any luck, it will be forgotten…

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