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Winter break is already not what I hoped for

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Back already to post again... my winter break JUST started as of Thursday. I was so stressed this semester and so looking forward to this. I have 1 year left (4 total).


I can't even believe it but I'm feeling miserable. I feel like a good-for-nothing. My job won't give me more hours so I'm only working Fridays and Saturdays still. So I'm home all week long for about 5 more weeks!


I'm trying to set goals, like clean my room (complete mess) and maybe even paint it. I'm waking up early and going to bed early so I'm not up until the early hours of the morning and sleeping until noon or anything, but it's not making me feel any better. Every year, little by little I feel badly about having so much free time during my winter break and summer break. This past summer I finally got a new job and worked usually overtime which was great.


I really needed to post this and see how others think. My stomach is in knots right now. I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything. I will work on my portfolio but it's not like I can get an internship within the next couple of months-- I can't fit that in, and I'm concerned about these 5 weeks. And that's the only other thing on my short list of things to do.


Everyone else I know, their job gave them more hours. Everyone's working and making money. I'm still here... I could hopefully babysit for a relative but they're kind of all set, and that's the only other thing I can think of.


Isn't anyone else working part time over their winter break and have this much free time too??

I feel really really bad.. I can't even get myself to get cleaning because I feel like such a good-for-nothing. This is supposed to be my winter break... and I'm not enjoying it at all, not even a little bit. I feel like I can only enjoy it if I'm making money. I'm in some debt and that's definitely a reason to feel bad.



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Do you work shift work or something? Tell people at work you are willing to take on shifts they don't want.....people around the holidays often are grateful to unload a shift here and there.


I am working part time over break...but my break does not start until Wednesday as I still have two more exams (7 in total!), then I have holiday planning to do, then a paper to write, and then I have to get started on readings that already need to be done by the time we start again in two weeks.....so I am grateful I only have to work a couple shifts a week during break!


I say let people know you are looking for shifts, work on that portfolio and be proactive, get the things done you have been putting off (for me I need to clean the house since I have put it off for two weeks already due to exams!)......refine your resume, get started on stuff you need to do next semester..make the most of the time.

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I did that with letting my work know, but people are off already (schedule is set a month in advance, and I've been mentioning it since September) and they seem to be set. However they did call me a few weeks ago to cover at another location but I was still in school.

It's not shifts though, I work open to close those two days.


I was thinking of all the things I could do like read since I started to really enjoy books, but I feel so bad doing that because it's for myself and not for a class or anything.. I feel like a free-loader, literally.


I've never had this problem before. I always enjoyed my time like this. The only one last person to not have hours just like me is getting them and now I feel so... alone I guess.

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I managed to get a second job during the holidays, because a lot of places are desperate for help...But it may be hard to do that now because Christmas is almost here, and it seems that they want more experienced staff to work after the holidays because they will handle the massive returns better...so that may not be a good option for you.


Have you looked into any classes that are being offered in your area? Not academic ones, of course (judging by one of your more recent posts, more school is the last thing you need right now! Those dratted finals...), but fun ones. Dance, yoga, candy making, anything of the kind. They can be fairly inexpensive, but still fun, and you may discover a new hobby that you'll pursue outside of class and that will help you pass the time.


Volunteering may also be a good option. A lot of people are lonely around this time of year, so if you visit a nursing home and spend some time with the elderly, it will both make them happy and give you a sense of accomplishment. Or anything else along those lines...


And what you just said about reading books for yourself? Honey, don't feel bad! Take advantage of that opportunity -- who knows when you'll get another chance to read for yourself? Surround yourself with books, or even movies that you've been meaning to see...


Finally, my own plan for the holidays: THE GYM. This semester hasn't been great for me, so I have every intention of getting my badonkadonk back in shape. Not to suggest that you need to or anything (or maybe you already do on a regular basis!), but winter break can be a good time to start an exercise routine that you may feel inclined to follow into the spring semester and beyond. Gosh, I hope that happens to me...

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I agree about looking into an additional job. I'm sure if you are willing to look, you could find something to give you a few more hours.


And consider yourself lucky to have the extra "free time", as after school these vacations tend to disappear. Make a list of things you'd like to accomplish by the end of winter break. There will probably be more than you can really do, as we always want to do more. Prioritize them. Which is more important to you cleaning your room or working on your portfolio? From there, break the task into smaller much more managable tasks. (1. Organize clothing 2. File paperwork 3. Clean out closet 4. Vaccum/Dust Ect.) Now each day you are only responsible for one small tasks. It's much easier to jump in and get it done than looking at a huge accomplishment!


Lastly, stop beating yourself down! You are the only person who can get the accomplishments you want and when you're the first to call yourself a "good for nothing", you've stopped yourself before you've even tried! Look at the things you did during a day that were productive and celebrate those! It's all in baby steps!


Winter break has only begun. Don't throw in the towel just yet!

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Thanks so much-- I've been trying to clean and it's been helping a LOT. I feel a great lack of energy and that is getting in the way, though.


I guess I just feel like I should have a job... but now I feel more relaxed being home for another couple of weeks. I'm preparing myself to go back, and it's coming along nice-- getting organized and things like that.


But I am so so bored, I can't stand it. I have been bored since yesterday (Christmas afternoon). I may go shopping but there's so much traffic and shoppers, and it's raining. But that is another solution I'll use this week probably.

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