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Is this a good idea?

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Yes, this is a repost, but the answers to my last query were not very helpful and I'm looking for more input.


At the beginning of the summer, I was quite into a certain girl, but then found out that she was already involved with another guy after I asked her out. She profusely apologized, saying that she really liked me and didn't want to hurt my feelings, but that we could only be friends. I was disappointed (not crushed or anything), and decided to just let her be without pursuing the friendship angle.


Now, however, with our senior year in high school just days ahead, and after having not thought about this girl all summer, I'm starting to wonder if it wouldn't be a bad idea to call her up and talk to her as a friend. I do really think we got along well (at least before I broached the topic of dating and things stopped), and I'd like to have her as a friend. However, I still must acknowledge that I'm attracted to her, and would always have the ulterior motive of wanting to get involved in a more personal relationship with her.


Do you think this plan has a likely chance of succeeding? I'm sure she liked me quite a bit, but was just already involved with someone else. There's a chance that he has graduated now and moved out (he went to a different school and I never learned what grade he was in), and there's also a chance that there's been a breakup over other issues as well. Should I try to become this girl's friend in order to secure a possible relationship in the future?


Thanks for reading! 8)

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Hi There,


I'm glad that you admieet your motive for calling her. If she is still with the guy, are you going to leave it at that? This is the big problem with being friends with a girl you like. It is not that simple - and if you are going to continue to harbour feelings for her, you risk loosing her, and getting hurt yourself.


If she is single, then yeah - go for it - but if she is not, then it is best for all concerned that you keep your distance if you cannot help yourself wanting more, and trying to work towards more.


Regarding calling her - I would find out whether she is with the boyfriend first, and if that means waiting till you get back to school, well and good. I presume that you haven't talked to her in a while, and it might seem a bit strange to her that you call her up out of the blue before going back.


Hope this helps you some,



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I think that you should try and keep in contact with this girl. Then when the right time comes, and she has left her boyfriend. You should get yourself together and ask her out. Look around on this site for some help on what to say to her. But don't just say will you go out with me. There are someother things that you can say to her.


Good Luck with it. Let me know how it turns out.



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