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HELP Ex Has Freaked OUT!!

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Last nite I went to the bar with a male friend (thats all he is, although he is really cute) and guess what???? My ex was there, the really hit the fan...... my ex saw me holdings hands with my pal, who was only consoling me...... and he just FREAKED (the ex) challenged my friend to a fight, wanted to punch him out even.... yikes (put me in the movies) It was so embarrassing.... OMG.... want do you think and how do I deal with this, apparently Jack my ex has been barred now... I feel bad..... but I don't see this as being my fault.....???

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hey sandy - how could it be YOUR fault? How could some one else's actions and response to something be YOUR fault? Idon't see it being your fault either.


What do you feel about his actions? I mean, you said you were embarrassed - I get why - but were you flattered? Is this ex someone you want back?

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Ta Ree Saw: Thnx for answering me,,,, i'm sooo upset, yes I still love Jack, but the thing is he was there initially there with his ex.. that he dumped me for....??? Im confused, why should he be upset..... I wasn't expecting his reaction......


thnx hon

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You're welcome Sandy =


I guess..... I dunno. I mean, he's obvioulsy the jealous type. I imagine he was throughout your relationship??


Maybe he's got the mentality that even if he doesn't want to be with you, he still doesn't want anyone else to either.


Maybe things aren't going so well with the ex??


Maybe seeing you brought back feelings of some sort? Maybe you looked really good....

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Maybe he's got the mentality that even if he doesn't want to be with you, he still doesn't want anyone else to either.


I think that's the best way to think about things. Yes, it's a nice thought that seeing you brought some feelings back and that he got jealous...However, it could easily be that he's mad about you going out and having fun with other guys, because he expects you to be a little teary-eyed mess holed up in your room, missing his royal highness.


And definitely don't worry about things being your fault! It's not like you planned to go to that particular bar to get that kind of outcome. He was the one unable to control his temper and walk away gracefully, so getting kicked out from the bar was his fault.

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