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I feel absolutely terrible..

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Hi everyone..I just got off the phone with a friend and I was talking to her and I am the type of guy that hates keeping secrets with people..(u guys may think im stupid after the end of this.) but anyways so I told her a secret about my sister talking crap about her and saying that this girl had zits all over her and my mom said the same. (I met this girl at a party and my mom was there and my mom doesnt allow dating and im 20 years old!) anyways so yea they said that about her and I told her this and obviously she was upset and then she was crying..and said she had to go and I kept her on the phone for a few more minutes apologizing and I felt awful..I felt like crying it was just a terrible feeling hearing her talk with her nose plugged from crying..and I just wish I could make things better for her..I think im a total fool for telling her..but I felt like she had the right to know that my family was bad mouthing her..I just feel horrible and dont know how to fix this feeling..

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