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Qustion about sex....

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You can usually continue for a short period (10-60 seconds) before going limp. With practice, it is possible to stay hard longer, or even stay hard indefinitely.


Excercise your PC muscles, and clinch them when you come, in order to delay ejaculation after an orgasm. I've found that it drastically effects my recoup time, even if I only delay it by 2-3 seconds.

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sure, you can continue after you get off... for about fifteen seconds. mind control over ejaculation takes practice, and penetration is not the most efficient way to produce a female orgasm. a better approach might be to take care of her once or twice with other methods before you fire torpedo number one. if she cums again during intercourse, it's an added bonus.

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You can help your girl reach orgasm without the need for that part of your body at all. You just have to take over with your fingers. That can be tough mentally until you get used to it.


It's far easier to have her orgasm first in the overall scheme of things. Women can certainly continue afterwards and it's still pleasurable.

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It's possible!


I only found one guy who could do it, but he totally had perfected his technique. He'd cum, then continue and it would get less-hard (not soft really at all) but then really hard again. He could sometimes cum twice in a row (only happened a few times, but still it did).


Saw it with my own eyes, it is possible but very rare I think.

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Yes, it is possible (to agree with BornToResist). I've managed it on the odd occasion, generally when I've been very turned on and totally relaxed because we have a lot of time to spend together without interruptions. The way it happened for me was when she was on top, after I orgasmed be both stayed still for several minutes, then slowly started again. You defintely have to be completely over the urge to get up and leave after the first orgasm. The natuarl tendency for most guys is to roll over, get out of bed or otherwise disengage. First you have to work to mentally overcome that impulse. Then you can think about going twice in a row.

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I am a virgin, but I was wondering...


Can a guy continue to have sex even after he has came? Potentially to make the girl reach orgasm even if the guy comes first....


I've heard that some men can. I would guess that the majority of men are unable to continue having sexual intercourse while still maintaining an erection immediately after ejaculation.


The refractory period for each guy will vary, but don't think most men can keep pumping for long after having just ejaculated.

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I am a virgin, but I was wondering...


Can a guy continue to have sex even after he has came? Potentially to make the girl reach orgasm even if the guy comes first....


Yes... It all depends on recovery time. I recover almost instantly, like within a minute. So if I keep going, I don't even have time to deflate.

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