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Hi i start school tomoro.. Junior in high school. I dont have ne fears abotu goin back, because I have been there since 7th grade, I kno tons of ppl, and finally im not like part of the younger crowd. But i am just used to goin to bed at 2 in the morning and waking up at 11 or 12 the next day. How am I suppose to start wakin up at 5 in the morning to get ready and leave for 6 15? Do u have ne tips for me? I mean im not one to go to bed early either, but i realize i will have to start and try to go to bed earlier, in order to wake up early. But ne other things i could do to help myself get up and get ready faster. This is my only fear about school. lol So plz send me some replys if u have the chance, I need to try somthing new. Thanks in advance.



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I have the same problem. The one thing that kind of works for me is using two alarm clocks out one next to your bed and one on the other side of the room. This way you will have to get out of bed. And you will get more tired as the day goes on and you will fall asleep earlier. Over the summer I have been going to sleep at like 3 in the morning and wake up around 11 am except for when I have something to wake up for. Also something to try is look for something that you want to get out of bed for, you know when you are awake and just sitting there in bed and don't want to get up.


Good Luck with it


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Hi there,


You will probably be tired because of the schedule you have kept. Maybe when your alarm goes off in the morning, make sure to jump right up and get in the shower. Give yourself a cold blast if you are still groggy.


For sure within a couple of days, your sleeping patterns will adjust. You are just going to be tired a few days.


Good luck in school, and good for you on trying to find methods that are going to help you be alert in school I heard a study that with teens suffering from not having enough sleep (cause you all are night creatures and need lots of sleep) that your grades suffer.


Good plan. Get lots of sleep.



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I got a summer job, so i dont have to worry too much the two alarm clock idea is a really good one. Some advice is to take the tv/computer/radio out of your room so when you go to bed you have no possible distractions. Another thing that helps is if you have a REALLY annoying alarm clock that is loud. Ive been getting up at around 3 am for laccrosse training. I use this one that goes "BEEP BEEP IT IS 3 AM BEEP BEEP IT IS 3 AM....." Those things REALLY help. Also get an ice cold shower...then drink cofee. That helps too.

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