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curious for your input ~ kind of long


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Update on this situation:


Well its been about a month and this past weekend, he got to me with the date and its this Sat. I am excited about it. It will be fun (I think) and educational (I am sure). Then there is this other weensy part of me that wants to vomit. Its not a date, or anything (at least it has not be advertised as such), but I still feel nervous. Is this normal? I hope so. If not then I will just have to deal with being abnormal lol....



Thanks for all your input!!!!!

Much love


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He likes you but he is probably super busy and not sure about a relationship. He'd like to keep you in the picture until he decides. That's my take on things.

You should ask him out somewhere casual as a thank-you for the tickets etc. He sounds nice, don't miss this opportunity.

Oh yeah, and make sure he gets your number.

At the very least you have made a very interesting friend

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So I just wanted to post an update on this situation. I think my radar was wonky, and he is just not that into me. I have seen him a few times since the last post and I have barely gotten a wave out of him, so I am thinking my radar is off and I was just over analyzing. A friend of mine who knows both of us said that oh maybe he is just busy. I can see that if it happened once even twice but three times?? So I am just going to chill and if I hear back I hear back, and if not well then thats ok too. Its not like its my only time to go to the symphony. By May I will have gone eight times this season, so its not like I am missing out. I think I just needed to vent all this out. I was pretty frustrated last night with myself for expecting something. Normally I dont expect things from people so I dont usually feel like this, and I was irritated that I let myself go down that train track.


Anyone else ever feel like that??



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just relax and let it happen. if he likes you, he's an adult... he'll let you know. however, the fact that he went out of his way to your office to invite you to something he remembered you like (which is a feat in itself for guys) is a step in the right direction.

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however, the fact that he went out of his way to your office to invite you to something he remembered you like (which is a feat in itself for guys) is a step in the right direction.



Good point. That is a good point and it was a few weeks after we had had that conversation. I think I forget sometimes that guys are wired differently than we are in that time and conversations and signals that often mean something to us, may not mean anything to them and vice versa.


I am playing the devil's advocate in my head about this and when I think something negative I try to back it up with a positive, but then, when I have a positive I balance it with a negative. Basically I feel like I am driving myself nuts. LOL just kidding. To be honest I wish I could just forget about it, but I can't.


Any other thoughts or tips on how not to analyze so much are very much welcomed!!



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play the game too! don't just sit back and let him pull all the strings. direct your thoughts to how you can get him interested and questioning your motives, instead of you questioning his motives. the best part is the chase... that's when all the fun happens. boyfriends come with dirty laundry, gross habits, and issues from their moms. so enjoy the chase while you can.

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Classic!! Too funny...sad but true though. You should see what girlfriends come with though!


i don't come with anything! i clean his room, help him with school work, register him for classes, remind him of EVERYTHING, tell him when he works and for how long, tell him when things are due, tell himwhen he needs to accomplish things... .ppfffttt he's lucky!

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I never looked at is as "the chase". That seems like game playing to me and I dont like it, I wouldnt want it done to me, so I really dont want to do it to others.


I dont mind the other stuff i.e. dirty laundry, mother issues, that doesnt bother me. The way I look at it we all have that and if someone can deal with mine (not that I have a TON of it) then I can deal with theirs.


It will be interesting to see what happens though. He popped in two days ago to check some stuff out and granted he was with a good friend of his, but I thought it was a bit strange he didnt really say hi. I waved and such, but he barely even looked in my direction. Maybe he is just shy? But why get shy now? If he was grown enough before to ask me, saying hey should be a piece of cake right? This stuff makes my eyeballs cross


i know i know.... stop overanalyzing.....


i am trying, really...

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yea.... give him a look and a smile, but don't wave and be goofy, like you're excited to see him lol this is the fun part, and while you see it as playing games, it's not the harmful kind of games where people get hurt, it's the fun kind. test out different methods and see which works best for him. i've found most guys dig girls that are disinterested and require a chase.

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I agree with Clementine. I think he probably does like you, and maybe he just got a case of the nerves the day he came in. You can never second guess what another person is thinking. Just chill, and take it easy. Bit is right if he came in a few weeks after you guys had talked about it, its obvious he wants to hang out with you. Just let time take its natural course!


Take care!

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