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Brother inslulted me really bad, do i confront him?

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My family is taking a vacation soon,,4 of us.. we all have to pay for ourselves.. In deciding on a hotel to stay, i picked a moderate priced hotel. He says to me "I have no budget, so I can stay anywhere I want"

I found it to be insulting. I just said well you can stay at the 5 star hotel and the rest of us will stay at the 4 star.. He just he doesnt want to do that..


Then today we were talking about shows we wanted to see and he said in a sad voice like hes crying.."oh i feel so bad because the great shows cost alot of money and too bad we cant see them"


Again I found it to be insulting but didnt say anything..Then we were talking about a show that cost alot of money which i got into for free along time ago, i just said its great when your company pays for you. He said to me, "Well people like me can afford shows like that, thats who pays the money for them"..

I was really taken aback, felt weird but didnt say anything. Later on I thought about what he said and felt its very insulting and sarcastic.

I feel very upset...


Am I overreacting? I mean i would never talk like that to any of my friends, if I did i know they would be mad at me.


I dont want him to keep sneakily insulting me because he makes more money than me,, how do i tell him?


Also He is in his 30s, lives at home and makes over 200, 000 a year. He doesnt even have a bed, sleeps on a couch or the floor. I make a normal middle income salary. So to me thats where the funny part of this whole thing is. I almost said it to him but Im not that rude..

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I guess I feel a bit uneasy confronting him but I am very offeneded by what hes doing. I do have to laugh on the other end, knowing what a jerk he is. Heas a very jaded person so it explains alot.

I really feel like cancelling my part of the trip now. My airfare i payed for.. But he is a real jerk- he was nice and we got along along time ago. But hes turned into an unhappy person and Im not sure I want to be around him.

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Yes you should definetly say something. Your not over reacting at all. And if you dont say something it will end up upsetting you more and more and might even make the problem worse then it is.

What you need to do is be assertive but NOT aggressive. That means saying how you feel but not yelling or name calling etc. When you do say something he will probably deny it but just stay strong and say something like -thats how I feel, so I'd appreciate it if you would stop doing it. Hope this helps Let us know how it goes!

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If I were you I would not let it bother me, unless him having more money to "flash" around makes you uncomfortable. It is not a race. Obviously he would have more money if he's spunging of other people to provide for his day to day living. Let it roll off your back, he's deliberately trying to get your back up over it, because he might think it is a tender spot for you. Brothers do these things, don't let it phase you. He will get his rude awakening soon enough, a castle in the sky won't last forever....

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wow, how rude...

Where does he get the nerve to say things like that to you when he doesn't even live on his own, still relies on your parent(s)?

I would definitely call him on it next time he says something. You don't deserve to be talked to like that.

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