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devoted/confident christian please answer this

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Hello Everyone.


At camp this summer, I bawled for the first time ever in my 14 years for God. I really wanted to change. I thank God every day for everything he's given me and I beg him to keep the part of me that wants to please him alive. But I curse and swear a lot, I'm now considering having sex sometime soon, I'm not making any promises I won't drink, etc. I do read my bible, more than I ever have before, and I highlight verses that stand out to me, to help me in my life. Just a few days ago, I was thinking I had a 50% chance of still going to heaven. Now, I remember a verse, and that chance has just shrunk by A LOT.


"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are luke warm-neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth." -Revelations 3:15-16


But, there is also this verse:


"He who believes in Him is not condemned..." - John 3:18


I believe in him, I really do.


For all of you people out there, what do you think. Please write back, not saying "You should change!" etc. etc. I already hear that, thank you. What I am asking for is if I stay the same, where will I go?


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Hi. I am 13 and a devout Christian. I have been drunk. I am 3 months pregnant with a child God has blessed me with. I believe that He has givin me this child to change my life around. I am not saying to go and get pregnant but God is watching over you. Never doubt that.. He knows deep down that U believe and He knows you want to please Him. Good Luck and God Bless You.

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i'm 16 and have been in the church all my life, and i believe what your asking is a very common question throughout students today and that is, how good do i have to be to go to heaven. the first thing we have to do is clarify your scriptures, the point of the luke warm one is to show you that God doesn't want us to be half way, either go all out or don't go. on to your verse about he who believes, this is completely true but not to be taken advantage of, part of believing is giving your life, through your actions and thoughts, completely to him. and this matter of you considering sex is completely against biblical standards, premarital sex is condoned NO WHERE in the bible. but God is a forgiving God, so when we do make our mistakes he's there to forgive us, but only if we're willing to turn our lives around, he's also just, you need to make a decision, what do you want, to give good you life, or to keep it for yourself,

hope it helps


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No one, not one is without sin.


You have to do the best you can in this world, he knows you sin...everyone is a sinner. What he asks is that you believe, make amends for your wrongs...and repent.


Just keep reading, and talking to those close to you...he will show you the way. Yes you still have to choose the right path...but when you don't, follow his path back and he will forgive you.

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Yes God can forgive all sinners always, but if you keep using repentance as a quick fix then eventually you will take it for granted. And you'll be back at step-one.


Hi EmptySoul, I wouldn't consider myself a devoted or confident Christian. I'm not a huge bible pusher, but I wish I knew more. I've started attending two separate churches for the first time in 3 or more years.


I was raised in a strict religion, one that relied performing works to earn my salvation. Now that particular denomination has since changed to a Christian based church and now we appreciate the fact that Jesus already paid that price (our salvation) for us. Whether or not we actually take it is our decision and it is a active decision.


EmptySoul, listen to yourself you can't just slip thought the cracks and receive salvation. (I personally don't care about being saved, I just want to follow him. To appreciate his wisdom and strive for it.) I'm sorry but isn't it dishonest to God to try and change later when you are already aware of God's gift. Now is always the time to choose whether or not you will take it.


Please pray about it or talk to someone within your church. Following God shouldn't hold us back EmptySoul, if you actively follow God then eventually none of these problems will really stack up to anything other than garbage. Don't think why not, think why do it at all. Everything else but wanting to follow God is simply worthless when compared to him.

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My fiance is a strong Christian, and a preacher's kid to boot, so I've gotten a lot of Christian training on this subject of sins and the heaven/hell issue. And from what I've learned and read, (and stressed about myself, believe me!) as long as you love and believe in God, you've got a spot waiting for you in heaven. There is no law that says you can't drink and go to heaven, or have sex and go to heaven, as long as you believe in God and love Him as you're doing it. He doesn't have a Heavenly chalkboard, tallying up sins vs. good deeds and weighing the two when it comes time for judgement, believe me! So take it easy and just be strong in your faith. My fiance and I both drink and smoke, we cuss like truckers at times, and I've been assured that this doesn't count against us, both from the Bible and from learning from him. Just keep the faith, that's all.

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Mar, you are always giving good advice, but personally I don't agree with that. Yes God/Jesus has purged all sins that we might commit but at the same time he's also given us a choice to accept it or not. Or as you put it loving and believing in, or having faith. Sure, sex and drinking are not sins. But premarital sex is a sin in God's eyes, and alcohol and tobacco abuse isn't respectful to our bodies. Our mind and body belong to God. When we love him we love him with our entire body. Cussing, drinking and casual sex are not glorifying to our bodies. So they are not glorifying to his name. Why do people talk as if God is holding us back? It's the complete opposite when we do it right and it becomes an almost heed-not need-not mantality. Cursing or premarital sex are so insignificant in comparison, so why even start. And yes, I do curse from time to time too. But I'm not the self proclaimed heavy christen tying to get to heaven. I'm not pointing fingers. Just saying what I think because you make it sound like you have God and heaven all figured out.

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  • 3 months later...

im 15 and a very big follower of God, just relax and take a look about yourself every night before you go to sleep and try to find your mistakes and how you can fix them, try not to justifie any of your sins, try hard and be devoted to it and things will get better, keep your mind free of evil and sin pray every night and morning and ask God and The holy mother to protect you and help you on your spiritual journey. please remember that you cant ever know or have an idea about if you are going to heaven or not just stay faithful to God and try your hardest to better yourself and things will change.

Good luck with your spiritual journayy, mine is still going on but trust me it is worth it. If you ever wanna talk just send me a pm or use my aim account.


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  • 6 years later...

All of us are tempted to sin...the natural man is an enemy to God....the problem is when we think that we can sin and then avoid the inevitable consequence that must follow..."wickedness was never happiness." Commandments are not put in place to restrict us or punish us...they are provided from a loving Heavenly Father who wants to protect his children...just remember this..a right decision can always be made after a wrong one...embrace God and know true freedom and happiness... coming from someone who has taken the wrong fork too many times and the outcome is always misery...

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I stongly disagree with this view...read your bible more carefully..."faith is dead without works." It is not about being basically a good person, lie a little, cheat a little, God will beat u with a few stipes." This is absolutely false...we must always strive to do our best and care for the bodies that God has gifted us with...treat them as temples and do not defile them...in the right circumstance intimacy is a wonderful thing, but the powers of procreation are sacred..." God will not look upon the least bit of sin with allowance."

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