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ok, i have been going out with this girl for 4 days and i want to break up with her. i dont know why, something just isnt right. She has had a past rep as a hoe and having a different boyfriend every week but she says she has changed for me. she says that she thinks of me 24 7. she acts like she has changed, but i dont know. i heard that she was hanging all over some guy in the hallways when i was absent one day. she has a lot of friends that are guys that could kick my ass. i dont want to get my ass kicked or hurt her. suggestions on how i should do it?! plz help.

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well, if you truly care about this girl, you should trust her when she says she wants to change. In a relationship, it is not the past that counts, but the present. Take a moment to think about how you feel about her. Do you want to be with her? If you are having doubts already, it might be time to sit her down and tell her that you are not really ready for a relationship. Tell her nicely. If she asks you why, be honest and tell her that you have a feeling that she might be cheating on you from what you might have heard. Take notice of her reaction. If you feel for this girl and feel she is being honest, you might realize that she is the one you want to be with right now. Dont ever listen to gossip. Sometimes that's all that it is. Relationships (especially good one) are hard to come by, but you seem pretty young and I'll bet you'll have a few before you meet the right one. LIsten to you heart, not your friends. Hope this helps you out. Good luck!

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Hey, I know how you feel, but you really have to go with your gut feeling. I remember this wonderful girl I was with some years back. She had a minor rep of being a little promiscuous, so I never saw us going anywhere passed just dating. This girl treated me like gold, but I never took her serious just because of her past. She never became my official g/f, but at least I enjoyed the time that I spent with her.


Don't just dump her just because of her rep and because of what you may have heard about her. Keep dating and stuff, but just take things sloooooooooooooow. Who knows, you guys may end up having a great relationship.

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