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I Passed Up Sex

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I am 17 and I have been talking to my ex lately cause we are still friends. Well she invited me to her house to stay the night while her parents were away for the weekend. I didnt think anything of it because she said she was uncomfortable staying home alone but I told her that I couldnt cause I had to work real early in the morning even tho that wasnt the main reason. Well since I broke up with my ex I have always thought she was a virgin cause she would tell me when we were dating that she wouldnt have sex with anyone until she was dating them for a long time. I guess that changed cause her friend sent me a message saying my ex wanted me to stay so she could try to have sex with me. I am still a virgin and I dont just want to have sex with anyone but the point is I said no cause I have feelings for someone else even tho we are not dating I love this girl and she has strong feelings for me and I wouldnt do anything to hurt her. Well I told a couple of my friends at work and there like "dude u should of went and had sex with her, your not dating anyone" and they were joking around with me which doesnt bother me but I was j/w did I do that right thing?, would u of done the same? or would u of went?

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If I was a virgin in your situation, than I would have done the same thing. But I am not a virgin so now I would never pass up the opportunity for sex especially from an ex! I have real close attachments to my ex's and sex to me is always so much better with them than it is with new people. If one of my ex girlfriends calls me up (and I am single of course) and wants to bone, they dont have to ask me twice!!

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No offense to those of you who are not virgins, but "mysocalledlife" congrats you are still a virgin!


I am not a virgin and one of my ex's has called me a few times to have sex with him. I did enjoy having sex with him, but that was when we were together. I turned him down. The reason is b/c i want to have sex when i love the person...not just a casual fling. That is my opinion, others have a different opinion...and that is kewlies...


So i think you did the right thing. Everyone has their own beliefs...you just have to stick to yours no matter what people say. I stick to a few of my beliefs rather fiercely and my friends get upset...but that is just their loss.


I accept their beliefs and don't get mad at them b/c their beliefs are different than me.


Hope this helps!



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I'm a 15 year old virgin. I think you definitely did the right thing. I would never have sex until i'm ready, but especially not with an ex. you want the person you first have sex with to be "the one" for sure. That's just my opinion. and i think i may have found "the one" but even if we broke up for some reason and he called me later on to have sex. i definitely wouldn't.

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