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Needing motivation to exercise!!!!!!!!

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Last year I was firm and fit and exercising (walking alot and some exercising at Curves). I have done some 5K's and my 1st 10K. I went from a size 14 to a size 4/6 and from 178lbs to 132lbs. (my lowest weight) This year I have totally lost interest in exercise and have lost my fit and firm look to my body. I think I suffered burnout and allowed other things to fill the time that I devoted to fitness. I want my firm body back! The one I was complimented so much on. I'm an middle aged woman, and I know it's gonna take a bit more hard work to get there. How can I get motivated again??? Has anyone ever experienced this? Help!

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No not really... I want to exercise everyday, if I don't exercise for 2-3 days I become depressed. How tall are you? i'm 5'10" and 132 lbs... which is average. i think 132 lbs. is pretty slim for anywhere from 5'6"-5'11".


regardless.....it depends on your personality. do you like working out alone (like me) or with a partner? do you get energized being in groups? maybe joining a fitness group that meets regularly will help or rather going by yourself and setting personal goals...


i think setting goals regardless is important... sorry i can't really help... I love working out, so trying to force myself is never really an issue. perhaps because it's become a routine for me... now it's just a part of my day as much as taking a shower is. plus I have ADD/OCD though so it really helps with concentration, etc. try to find benefits with working out... why do you want it? you really need to want it to do it... you want to get back in shape, in fitness. I am a size 4 and would become depressed if I grew any larger because i'd feel fat, so for me it's really an issue of being happy with myself....do you feel happy at a size 4/6 now? or did you lose weight? set a target -- you want to be a size 4 by December, let's say. Then figure out how you want to do it. Set fitness and health/nutrition goals...


hope that helped,



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My motivation comes thru my mind and thinking of how much I wish I had a gf and my first kiss and thinking of the past of all the names of the girls that I knew who never given me a chance at all, I just think of it and shove it all in my head and I run like hell!! For some reason this frustration of never having a gf or never kissing a girl really does put a hard impact on me and gives me andrilen (I think thats how you spell that word) .. I do alot of running as a daily routine workout for me. I could run the mile in 4 mins and 57 secs..Everyday I run 3 miles straight non-stop and my running is improving each week for me..My motivation might sound dumb, stupid and lame but for some reason it works for me.

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I really don't enjoy exercising at all, but I do enjoy being slim.



- you can join a class at a gym. I'm doing power yoga right now and it's REALLY hard, quite a good work-out. Having a set time/place with others might help.

- get a work-out buddy. Walking will be more fun if you can chat, plus you can't just cancel on your friend, so you'll have to work out every day.

- find some form of working out you like better: hiking, swimming, belly dancing, dancing, or get a video you really enjoy at home

- get some weights at home so you can do things without having to go all the way to the gym and without having to leave the house

- write down the reasons why you want to be fit: better health, playing with grandkids, etc ... and remind yourself of them when you want to quit

- train towards a long term goal: ex, work out for a few months so you can get fit to go on a hiking trip or walk/run a marathon

- work exercise into your daily routine - ex walk to the store, go on an active outing with friends/family, playing with children can also be a great work-out, gardening.


Good luck!

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Ugh, forcing yourself to exercise is terrible. Even the most motivated person will burnout if that's how you're doing it.


What do I do? I play indoor soccer with a group of friends. We just play socially, so it's not a big deal if we lose or look silly doing it - we're there to have fun!

(that said, we have gotten reasonably good after playing for quite a few years).


It's amazing for keeping you fit, because the game is very fast and furious. We also practice/play outside of the competition once a week also.


The great thing about it, is I really look forward to playing indoor soccer each week. Which means, I'll never burn out, because it's so enjoyable!


In fact, our club has grown to four teams, simply through friends, and friends of friends that have been interested in it. They come, fill in for someone for one or two games, and then they never want to leave


The competition runs pretty much all-year round, and teams are always looking for girls to play. (Mixed teams, 2 girls, 3 guys on court + a goalie; subs also). Our games are 12 minutes each half, so it doesn't take a huge level of devotion. But yeah, I think the specifics vary from place to place.


I hope this helps; it works very well for many of us

Whatever you decide, I hope you achieve the level of fitness you're after

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