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interesting story. I NEED HELP


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let me start off.

hello my name is Nikki. i'm 14 going on 15 (feb 7)

I'm in grade 9 and yep. that's about it



okay! Now let me REAAALLLYYY start off on why i am so confused.

last year I liked this boy named *Tomato* ( i like to use codenames )

and things didn't go that well with him because of shyness. (I don't know who was shyer..me or him! LOL ) then after I stopped liking him..I saw this new guy.. *Marshmallow* (haha more codenames ..and i've liked him ever since.




This year I actually got the courage to talk to him..and we became good friends..and i've come to realise that he is VERY shy,like myself.

He asked me to go with him to the mall and then the movie theaters one day (And I remember the day too,friday the 13th october 2006)..we went alone and everything was fine.During the movie he kept on poking my hand and teasing me NON STOP it was annoying but cute.





That first day was kinda awkward..then at school we would hang out ALL THE TIME and everyone would get suspicious and ask us if we were going out..we kept denying it..then one day we went to the movies again and I decided to invite my friend (which was a bad idea,because shes a very jealous person and she used to like *Marshmallow* last year when I had told her I liked him)..but I was nice enough to invite her because i'd have been ignoring her for the past month.





So I did..and she was in the * * * * *iest mood EVER..she kept swearing and being all mean to me but i didn't care..we got inside the theater and *marshmallow* sat next to me..the movie started and he asked me if i wanted his jacket cause it was cold..then i said okay and took it..then during the movie we were holding hands..and my friend SAW and she started LAUGHING and i was like "whats so funny?" and shes like "you guys are so imature" i was like "what the hell??"





then i let go of his hand and he was like "what's wrong?" and I told him "she's laughing at us.." and he was like "it's okay..she's an idiot" and he put his hand under my jacket and held my hand again..and we held hands for the whole movie ( I know it's pretty gay. haha ) then the movie finished,we went outside and sat down..she came..and then she started asking him " WHO DO YOU LIKE ? " and he woudnt answer..he was just getting red and i was telling her "can u mind ur own business?" but she woudnt listen and she kept insisting. and then finally after asking him a thousand times he got ALL RED and LEFT. He calls me later and tells me his stomach hurt thats why he left..but i DOUBT that. Then I went to her house ( i had no choice ) and he called my cell..





we started talking and then she TOOK MY CELL and was like " do you like nikki ?? DO YOUU?? " she must of asked him a million times and he kept saying " no...whyyy!?!?! " and shes like "do youu??" and then hes like "i like her like a sister..." and then she started smiling..and she was ALL HAPPY..then she gave me the phone and i was all sad.. and hes like " uh..im going to bed now.. goodnight " and it was only 7 pm. Then the next day..he didn't show up in school.. he missed one week of school. He had called me on friday,FINALLY and told me he's faking sick and i was like why ?? and hes like "i hate school..."





and i was like "uh okay...are u coming back monday though??" and hes like "yes..ofcourse". He came back monday but whenever i walked by him he would turn ALL RED and not talk to me..it made me feel REALLY bad. I felt SO UGLY and so depressed. after one month of not talking to me..the day before yesturday i was walking to my other friends locker and he was there..and he was playing with my hair and i was like STOPP and then hes like OK OK SORRYYY and then im like "by the way..can u give me ur number again because i got a new cell.."





and hes like "u forgot my number?!?!" im like "yeah ..sorry" hes like "aw its ok.." and he was rubbing my back and then he put his arm on my shoulder when i was adding his number to my phone. ( It was pretty odd ) then that day i had went to my friends house and he calls my cell and he told me he wanted to go to the mall with me..so i agreed. and then the next day i came to school at lunch and when school was over i went up to him to ask him if we were still going and he was like "i have a detention.."





im like "oh..ok..then i guess im gonna go home.." and hes like " NOO ! I WANT YOU TO STAY WITH ME IN DETENTION!! " i was like "uh.. whyy" and hes like " BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO! " i was like "okay then" ..so there we sat for 45 minutes of detention..and he kept on LOOKING at me the WHOLE time it was kind of creepy but yet cute. haha once detention was over..





he was like "comon little nikki..walk faster..lets goo!!" and then we walked to the mall..and on the way there he kept on playing with my hair and imitating my voice and mimicking what i was saying and poking me and then when id get upset hed be like AW IM SORRY and he would put his arm around me.. and then we got into the mall..he kept teasing me and everything and we were looking at the videogames and we saw the game "happy feet" and i was like "omgg i love that movie!!!"






and hes like "im going to see it when it comes out..wanna come with me?" and i was like YEAH ... so yes. tomorow me and him are going to see that movie (hopefully) ... then after we walked to the petshop and stayed there for a little until my dad came to pick us up..and he was being SO POLITE haha..he's too polite actually..but today scared me a little.. i mean yesturday was really fun he's super sweet.. but today he was with my ex boyfriend from last year..





and that guy is the biggest * * * ALIVE..he's the worst type of guy ever..he USED to be nice ever since i broke up with him. He gets drunk all the time and is a huge idiot and it's really sad to see that *marshmallow* hangs around with him.. cause *marshmallow* is so sweet and innocent and the complete opposite of that idiot. okay as i was saying.. he completely ignored me today.. he said a couple of hi's and poked me when he passed by me in the hall.. but that was about it. cause he was always with THE IDIOT.






It makes me really sad to see that he's such a different person when he's with friends and when he's with me alone. My question in all of this story is..do you guys think he likes me ??

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Yes - better and Yes - I think he likes you.


I think YOU think he likes you also but are thrown by his acting different around certain people. I think that is a maturity thing and that WILL fade but you may have to put up with it for a bit.


I say try to get something going with him and roll with him acting that way until he sees it doesn't phase you, then he'll stop doing it.

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yea, i think he likes you a lot. your friend kinda ruined it for you, there's no need to feel depressed. he just couldn't admit over the phone that he actually liked you, probably because he didn't want you to "run away" from him. That stuff about him only liking you as a sister, pfft that's a buncha crap he wants to date you haha. I don't know what guy would want to hold hands for a whole movie and not be at least interested haha. and the asking to stay for his detention and him staring at you's really good. guys often stare a TON at a girl we're into. as for your friend, you should tell her to back off or something, more problems are gonna arise because of her, i wouldn't be surprised at all if more bull **** came upon you two down the road.

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So lovely. I remember all this type of stuff when I was in year nine. All the obvious teenage signs are there, of course he likes you, why else would he stare at you all the time and go red? Because he adores you.

A bad move inviting your friend to the cinema though, glad your going alone with him next time (and it's not immature to hold hands, what a ridiculous thing to say)

Don't worry about him hanging out with your ex, I'm sure he knows what's good for him if he's a smart boy and won't get dragged into the whole 'drink' scene.

Just enjoy each others company, and If and when he wants to become more than friends, just go with it. Have fun!

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he's probably too shy to initiate any form of contact with you at school. i wouldn't worry about it, it doesn't mean anything bad, if he's looking at you, that's really good. sometimes when i'm really into a girl i have trouble initiating contact at school, but im just fine outside of school and such, its really weird.


so, if he's looking at you a lot, he should eventually come to his senses and get some balls and talk to ya.

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haha, i say if you have his number text him saying "so how come you can't talk to me at school?" or say that over myspace, facebook, aim, msn, or some sort of communication over the net.


cuz then i bet he'd be like "oh **** what do i do" then he has to force himself to talk to you or if he doesnt do it (probably won't happen) he'll look like a panzy because he can't walk up and at least say hi haha. i'm really thinking he will have to though, you have A LOT of power over him. and it isn't mean or anything to push guys like this. ive had stuff like this happen to me before and i looked back on it and i was like "thank god i got that **** pushed out of me" haha.


if your with friends a lot at school, he probably feels really pressured, that might be another reason as to why he won't talk -- because he feels as if his approach is gonna suck because he's too nervous or something along the lines of that.

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OH.. I forgot to add this.


after like a month of ignoring me..one day after school he saw me and started talking to me and then he was following me and he was like "how come you don't text me anymore I was confused back then because he didn't call me or talk to me for like ONE MONTH..so it was pretty odd..for me to text him It's weird because I thought he forgot I EXISTED and then he was all "ohh how come you don't text me anymore" * * * ?

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at school he was being annoying..all he did was pass by me and like either pat my head or poke me or mess my hair AS USUAL. (it's his way of teasing me..hes told me LMAO) and whatever..then after school I texted him saying "why are you so weird with me at school?" and he texted me back saying "*bunny* sais hi" (*bunny* is his friend..hes my friend too) and i was like "uh..okay tell him hi,i guess" and hes like "call my cell now" im like "no" and hes like "yes!" and im like "no..why should i talk to someone who's mean to me?" and then he called me..and his friend *Bunny* started talking to me .. (which was odd,because he never talks to me on the phone or anything..) and then the phone just died.




Apparently his cell died. The battery or whatever. Then he calls me later**marshmallow*) from his house..and he was like teasing me on the phone..making little nicknames for me and stuff..and I was getting annoyed but I kept on laughing cause I just can't stop laughing..( i have a laughing problem haha ) then he had asked me about a movie I saw last week..and i think he wanted to ask me if i wanted to go with him..because last time he told me he didnt have money to go .. (pretty gay i know) ..



But I told him I already saw the movie last week with bunch of other people.So then I was like "Uh..why do you act so different when were alone and when you're at school infront of people..?" and hes like " * * *..no i dont.." im like "yes you do.." and hes like NO I DONT.. and he was getting upset so i was like WHATEVER.JUST WHATEVER. then he was imitating me saying WHATEVER. LOL. okay well we talked on the phone about nothing for like an hour and a half...then he had to go...and yep.



Then I come on msn..and *bunny* was like "*marshmallow likes you nananana" and I was like " * * * no" and hes like "why do you say no?" and i was like "because doesnt he like that other girl..." hes like "well he could like you too..you know.." and i was like "well wtv..how do you know?" and hes like "well its so obvious..he bugs you all the time..makes little baby nicknames for you..and well HE LIKES YOU" and iwas like " THAT DOESNT PROVE ANYTHING HAHA " and hes like "you'd be surprised"










p.s when i was on the phone with *marshmallow* he also asked to speak with my 11 year old brother... it was weird..i kept on asking him "why do u wanna talk to him..why do you care?" and hes like " because i care !!! I wanna talk to him " and i gave him the phone.. and then he was telling my brother some things..which my brother sais he coudnt understand what he saying. LOL.. so yeah what the hell is that about ? He keeps asking to speak to my brother... that's strange no?

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What a weird *** guy haha. He has a really messed up way of teasing. I'd listen to the friend, just trust me haha. He does like you, why else would bunny tell you? I think you should send him some texts about him liking you n stuff. it should get him talking serious and stopping his 8 year old behavior.

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