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Nc Log....!!!!!!!! Keeping Upbeat

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i just keep beating myself up.......i want to call her and talk i know shes goin to a wedding tonight alone, we were supposed to go to ny on sunday for the night as we do every december it would have been our 2 year anniversary....we havent spoke in 7 days nothing at all



i am hoping and praying that her being at a wedding and our anniversary shocks her back to what shes losing



thats just me hoping and holding on to a dream that i should really let go.....

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Kickedin i know how ya feel m8. i got 3 days left till my xmas do.. its gonna kill me goign without her knowin its nearly a year since we met.. and i did it agian 2day broke my nc but this time for a reason. to sorta say good bye.


Ive came to a desision if i can stick to it i dunno but i have come to it none the less. Im done with it all i know as of this moment wash my hands of her. Every one goes on about feelin the anger i dont feel angry that we broke up regret that its happened yes but not angry just disappointed.


We are both at completely differant stages in our lives so i am sayin to myself MOVE ON THOMAS MOVE ON. I will see her once more between now and xmas and that is planned and its to give her her xmas presant i have for her. and get the one that she has for me. thats it. After that i will give her a kiss on the cheek and say one final fair well to the woman i love and sail off into the sunset i know that now i am accepting it sayin it is 1 thing feelin it another that will take time but i know in my heart its over and there is no going back now..


So I TOMMYT say good bye to you steph.. Thanx for the 11 month 2getha ill always remember the good times for what they where a treasured part of my life that i will always look back on with fondness. I will always love you but its time for me to leave you alone to get on with your life and for me to do the same.

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Isnt it bizare how the tears come at strange times, at work or just random moments outside..but when you get home, you want to cry but for some reason cant...the tears just wont come as much as you want them to so you can let it all out


keep strong, keep posting


that's so true.... i get all teary eyed when i remember random things about him, and this usually happens when i'm not at home so i just push em back. when i'm at home i can't cry!!... i've been doing NC for 33 days, it's been 2 months since he broke up with me, and it's been better, i can see clearly now..but it still hurts. i still miss him so much, i wish that we could talk, but i get hurt when i realize he's probably much happier than i am right now, he hasn't tried to get in contact with me and the hope is slowly dying that he ever will. it just hurts to lose someone you loved, and know that they're not that concerned with losing you..

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