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Different pleasurable feelings


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I'm not sure if this is the appropriate forum, but it seemed okay... so here goes. My body seems to have two different responses, depending on the type of sexual stimulation. It confuses me, but I'll try to explain both as best I can so maybe somebody can help make sense of it.


First, there's this specific, sharp pleasure I get "down there" when I get direct stimulation. It only feels good in the nether regions, it isn't a full-body pleasure or anything. I have never had an orgasm; but I have had small "blips" or waves of pleasure that some people may categorize as a mini-orgasm. Once again, it is only very specific to that area, and doesn't involve any other parts of the body. I also get this kind of pleasure when I see hard-core sex.


Second, there's this full-body pleasure I get sometimes... it starts in the torso/stomach and can move further up and down if the stimulus keeps going. My head gets foggy and everything, and I just feel SO good. It's almost like a feeling of "desire." I really, really enjoy this type of pleasure. I get this feeling when sitting or laying close to a guy I like (close enough to be touching him unintentionally), when I'm kissing a guy, and when a guy unexpectedly puts his arms around me from behind. I also get this feeling if I watch passionate kissing on TV, or softcore, under-the-sheets, missionary (but passionate) sex..... or even just from imagining any of the above things. For example, if I fantasize about making out with the guy I like, it makes feel good in this way too.


So I guess my question is, does everybody else experience these two different types of pleasure? Personally, I enjoy the second type, the full-body feeling of desire, much better than the specific clitoral pleasure. Is anybody else like this?


Furthermore, I don't specifically like linking specific clitoral pleasure with the guy I'm into. I'd much rather experience pleasure #2 when thinking about, or with, him. Is that odd?


Thanks so much for your input!

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I like em both at the same time personally. I just feel frustrated when I get feeling #1 with a guy because I can't really have sex with him yet (well, I CAN but I'm not going too) so sometimes it's better just to have the second, so no I don't think it's weird you'd prefer the overall pleasure then just clitoral.

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OMG I cant believe my eyes, ... I cant believe what I just read this pleasure experience #2 was something I have felt only a few times but when it happens its distinct and YES definitely what I would prefer, intense however I never saw it described as such!! WOW xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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i know exactly what you mean with #2, especially with the arms around from behind thing...


I can remember the world literally seeming hazy, like all the other senses were getting dulled in order to more sharply focus on the hug/kiss/touch, with half the pleasure at least coming from knowing the guy so intimately and trusting him enough to do that...


It's an awesome feeling.

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I also know what you mean although i've never tried to describe it!


I think there is a number 3) when you really love and fancy someone, and they only have to look at you in a certain way...my whole body tingles....


Any one else get that one?


I love being female sometimes!!




Sparkle xx

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I think I have several different kinds of pleasure. The #1 I can relate to toally. It sometimes happens before I get a full on clitoral orgasm. #2 I have got once in a while, but it kind of felt like an overwhelming sense of horny haha. When I first ventured into my own nether lands I discovered the clitoral orgasm. It REALLY obvious so I figured that was an orgasm and that is it. Then, only since I have been with my husband, I experienced what I think is a G-spot orgasm. At first I thought I was just passing out or something. But I see now that it is a different kind of pleasure, one I can't give myself. So far, I am the only one that can give myself a clitoral orgasm, and it makes me too sensitive to continue simulation anyways. Its weird though, how you think you have your body figured out until you experience something else. I wonder what else is in store for me

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Thanks for all your replies guys! Nice to know I'm not alone.


Just a little story on this topic: I was in a lecture hall at university, sitting next to the guy I've just started dating (we haven't kissed yet)... we always sit together for 40 minutes between classes and chat. Well, since we decided to start dating about a week ago, he's been sitting much closer to me, and angling his body towards mine so that our knees/legs touch. And he puts his arm on my armrest now so that our elbows touch as well. So anyway, today when we were sitting there chatting, I was telling him something, when all of a sudden he moved to get comfortable, and our arms brushed closer together, and I felt his warm skin on mine. It sent pleasure #2 throughout my body, which caused me to stumble in my words and almost close my eyes... and my head also got a little foggy for a few seconds. This actually happened to me twice within the 40 minutes too. I loved being so close to him.


Anybody else have it happen at random times like that?


I guess another question that I'm curious about is if guys experience pleasure #2 as well?



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